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Face to face / Online public schedule & onsite training. Restaurant lunch included at STL venues.
From £495 List price £650
- 1 day Instructor-led workshop
- Courses never cancelled
- Restaurant lunch
Who is this course for?
This course is suitable for employees of all levels or functions that work virtually. In particular, this is useful for people who are new to working from home and struggling to manage their work-life balance, their emotional reserves, and to remain positive.
This course is designed to help delegates manage their stress levels and find more balance when working from home, enabling them to identify a clear boundary between work life and home life. This training will improve resilience, confidence and as a result, enhance the productivity and job satisfaction of employees working from both the home and the office.Course Syllabus
Assessing stress levels
Identifying the key sources of stress
Early warnings and how to use them
Understand the impact of stress
What we can do
Our unique stress patterns
Interrupting the cycle of stress
Finding and keeping focus
Taking action and responsibility
Reducing the impact of stress
Work-life balance
Identifying the stresses of working from home
Creating a clear boundary between work and personal life
Planning and communicating effectively
Personal resilience
Being clear of your purpose and keeping a positive attitude
Connecting with others and following things through to completion
Taking control and looking after yourself
Creating an action plan to actively manage your stress levels and emotions
Prices & Dates
Upcoming training events for this course:
Course | Dates | Times | Venue | Price (excl. VAT) |
Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home | 24 Mar 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Online | 495 |
Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home | 9 Apr 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Limehouse training venue | 495 |
Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home | 23 Apr 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Online | 495 |
Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home | 9 May 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Bloomsbury training venue | 495 |
Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home | 23 May 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Online | 495 |
What you get
"What do I get on the day?"
Arguably, the most experienced and highest motivated trainers.
Face-to-face training
Training is held in our modern, comfortable, air-conditioned suites.
Lunch, breaks and timing
A hot lunch is provided at local restaurants near our venues:
- Bloomsbury
- Limehouse
Courses start at 9:30am.
Please aim to be with us for 9:15am.
Browse the sample menus and view joining information (how to get to our venues).
Available throughout the day:
- Hot beverages
- Clean, filtered water
- Biscuits
Online training
Regular breaks throughout the day.
Learning tools
In-course handbook
Contains unit objectives, exercises and space to write notes
24 months access to trainers
Your questions answered on our support forum.
Training formats & Services
Training Formats & Services
Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
Jason Doran,
Head Of Marketing
Sarah did a great job getting us all talking and opening-up on things we don't usually discuss, which was both worthwhile and enjoyable. Got us thinking about how to approach our day differently, which was very helpful.
Only other comment - perhaps a few more practical take-away solutions might be useful?
Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home
Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
Carolyn Webb,
Membership & Team Coordinator
No suggestions of improvement
you brought the team together and we listened.
Gave us all something to consider and put in to practice to make our day to day less stressful and less of a chore!
Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home
Kao (UK) Limited
Anna Crawford,
Senior Brand Manager
Great Trainer, lovely positive energy, loved the personal examples, really helped relax and share as well. Little practicals were good as well as break out rooms.
Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home
Training manual sample
Below are some extracts from our Stress Management, Resilience - Working from Home manual.
Stress is…
-Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
It is also commonly described as:
Every individual
experiences different levels of stress, and can experience stress in different
ways. To manage our mental health and wellbeing, at work and at home, it is
essential to understand where our stress comes from and how to interrupt the
cycle of stress.
Quantifying Stress
Sometimes it can be difficult to articulate how you feel to others, especially when you are suffering from the cognitive load imposed by high pressure situations and stress. One way to make this easier is to use a scaling method.
The scaling method is
called Subjective Units of Discomfort.
It’s used by doctors to help them and their patients understand and compare
levels of pain. It’s subjective because people respond to pain (or stressful
situations) in different ways but is a great communication tool when discussing
stress management.
The goal is to make changes so that the score reduces.
The Holmes-Rahe Stress Test
Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe
The Holmes-Rahe stress
test is used to measure the effects of life events on a person’s stress level
and health. Every Life Change Unit (LCU) has a different 'weight' for
stress. The higher the score, and the larger the weight of each event, the more
likely you are to become ill.
This method is an
interesting measure to assess overall stress and the affect it is having. Try
searching online for “Holmes Rahe stress test” for a range of tools and
resources to assess your stress levels.
The Impact of Stress
Some stress is normal, but high levels of stress for
extended periods can have serious implications in both your working life and
home life.
Chronic/un-dealt with stress causes Adrenal Fatigue which can cause Hypocortisolism (a low production of your stress hormone). Your
adrenals sit on top of your kidneys and produce a variety of hormones including
cortisol and adrenaline. When you're stressed your brain tells your
adrenals to release cortisol into your blood steam so you can adapt and respond
properly to the stressor. This is good. However, if you're constantly stressed
(chronic) your adrenals get fatigued and therefore are unable to
properly produce enough cortisol.
Professional Impact
Some examples of how long-term stress can impact your work life:
Personal Impact
examples of how long-term stress can impact your home life:
Symptoms of Stress
Symptoms are the signals or signs your body gives to tell
you there is too much pressure. Everyone experiences different symptoms of
stress, and it is important to recognise your own stress patterns so you can
act to interrupt the cycle.
Some common symptoms of stress:
Sources of Stress
Below are some common examples of sources of stress:
Interrupting the Stress Cycle
To successfully interrupt the stress cycle and create
lasting changes to your wellbeing routine, it is important to first identify
your personal stressors.
This can be a difficult task, as it requires self-reflection
and honesty. However, by finding the precise source of your stress, you can
then begin to implement strategies to manage and reduce the impact of the
stressor in your life.
Sometimes stress can be so overwhelming that it becomes
extremely difficult to pinpoint the exact source or personal stressor.
Remember, even small lifestyle changes can have a huge impact on your stress
levels at work and at home, so identifying even one small area where you’d like
to make changes is beneficial. Once you begin, you will find that those small
changes often naturally develop as you change your mind set about stress and
The Stress Bucket – a Wellbeing Visualisation
The stress bucket is a
visual that can help us address the balance of our wellbeing. If we are put
under too much pressure, or situations change quickly, our bucket can ‘fill up’
with too much stress, and this is when we start to see more severe impacts of
It is essential,
especially in times of high stress, to be creating ‘holes’ in our stress
bucket. These ‘holes’ can come in many forms, from mentally reframing the way
you think about a problem, to spending time recharging your emotional reserves
by chatting to friends or exercising.
In an ideal world, we aim
for equilibrium, where the amount of stress we experience is mitigated by
stress strategies and our own personal resilience. This process is different
for every individual, so it is important to identify the strategies that work
best for you, and to keep adapting this over time as your lifestyle, priorities
and motivations change.
Reframing Negative Thoughts and Beliefs
Cognitive Distortions
Cognitive distortions are biased perceptions we take on
ourselves and the world around us. They are usually subtle but irrational
patterns of thought that we unknowingly reinforce over time.
It is normal human nature to fall into the trap of distorted
thinking. Recognising and modifying these faulty patterns of thinking, before
they lead to unmanageable levels of anxiety and stress, is essential.
As with any new skill, reframing your thoughts to moderate
cognitive distortions takes time and practice, but is a powerful tool when
tackling the impact of stress.
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