98.8% Of all customers recommend us, we're so confident about our results we publish all reviews and stats
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We are trusted and endorsed by thousands of UK businesses. See what they have to say...
We've been reviewed over 2751 times on independent review websites by delegates who just had to let everyone know about the experience they had.
Here is just a sample of the many different review sites that our customers have used:
Review site | Reviews | Overall rating |
2258 | 4.8 / 5 | |
61 | 4.6 / 5 | |
5 | 4.6 / 5 | |
45 | 4.8 / 5 | |
240 | 4.6 / 5 |
Client feedback
As part of our continuous commitment to quality, we made all our customer feedback systems electronic over 20 years ago.
As of today, we've received 100,280 reviews by delivering high-quality training.
You can browse every single one of them (good and bad) by visiting our client feedback page.
Client testimonials
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Client case studies
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Client testimonials