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Influencing Skills Training Course
London and UK wide
Face to face / Online public schedule & onsite training. Restaurant lunch included at STL venues.
(99 reviews, see all 100,735 testimonials) |
From £495 List price £650
- 1 day Instructor-led workshop
- Courses never cancelled
- Restaurant lunch
Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone whose role involves persuading others to adopt a particular viewpoint or course of action. The techniques covered are equally effective in business and sales settings and can be put into practice straight away.
At the end of this course delegates will be able to confidently employ techniques and approaches to influence those around them in a more powerful way.Course Syllabus
Influencing in practice
Analysing influence
Trust and rapport
What we do and what we say
Drivers and motivation
Influencing through listening
Establishing the perspective of others
Addressing their needs
Working with resistance
Retaining control
Finding Win / Win solutions
The Influence cycle
Finding a personal persuasive style
Discovering your preferred approach
Action planning
Prices & Dates
Upcoming training events for this course:
Course | Dates | Times | Venue | Price (excl. VAT) |
Influencing Skills | 8 Jul 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Limehouse training venue | 495 |
Influencing Skills | 15 Jul 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Online | 495 |
Influencing Skills | 7 Oct 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Bloomsbury training venue | 495 |
Influencing Skills | 11 Nov 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Online | 495 |
Influencing Skills | 10 Dec 2025 | 9:30 - 16:30 | Online | 495 |
What you get
"What do I get on the day?"
Arguably, the most experienced and highest motivated trainers.
Face-to-face training

Training is held in our modern, comfortable, air-conditioned suites.
Lunch, breaks and timing
A hot lunch is provided at local restaurants near our venues:
- Bloomsbury
- Limehouse
Courses start at 9:30am.
Please aim to be with us for 9:15am.
Browse the sample menus and view joining information (how to get to our venues).
Available throughout the day:
- Hot beverages
- Clean, filtered water
- Biscuits
Online training

Regular breaks throughout the day.
Learning tools

In-course handbook
Contains unit objectives, exercises and space to write notes
24 months access to trainers
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Training formats & Services
Training Formats & Services
Katy Chenoweth,
Publications Editor
I enjoyed the one-on-one time during the course and would recommend having more activities that involve this.
Influencing Skills
Pedro Roa,
Senior Project Manager
Very interesting training about influencing skills. I came looking for a standard advance negotiation skills and found a completely different training that I really enjoyed
Influencing Skills
Kao (UK) Limited
Lucy Bound,
Account Manager
I really enjoyed the course. It was very engaging from start to finish and I learned so much that I will be able to use in my day to day role.
Influencing Skills
Learning & Development Resources
Soft Skills Blog
- Case Study on Negotiation Skills
- The Six Principles of Influence
- 6 Techniques to Influence and Persuade Stakeholders at Work
- Proven Influence. The Efficient Way to get your Way
- The Power of Active Listening
Training manual sample
Below are some extracts from our Influencing Skills manual.
Influencing Skills
Influencing isan active process whereby one person or group modifies the attitudes orbehaviour of another person or group by adapting their behaviour andcommunication style to gain agreement and commitment to ideas and action.
The benefits of having people with good influencing skillsto an organisation include:
· beingflexible enough to cope with change
· beingwilling and able to delegate more
· creatinghigher levels of morale among their own staff
· havinga greater chance of hitting targets by being able to mobilise all the resourceswithin their control
· buildingand developing effective work teams
The benefits to the individual themselves:
· greaterself confidence
· abilityto involve others and get their commitment
· greaterlevels of respect from others
· theability to manage change
The more work done prior to entering an influencinginteraction the more likelihood of achieving a successful 'win-win'outcome. Planning involves thinking about the people involved, the issue, theenvironment and approaches to use.
Influencing is not always achieved over short time spans.For many issues the influencer must be patient enough to deal with manydifferent people, in different environments, who have different priorities. Allof this demands not just patience but true understanding of the process ofeffective influencing.
This means maintaining a well-balanced level of eye contactand expressing an interest in the discussion. This is done using interjections(mm, aah, yes, etc.) or facialexpression (smiles, head nods, eyebrow movements, etc.).
Ask questions to get a full understanding of the issue anduse open and probing questions to test understanding. The approach of openquestions followed by probes is often referred to as 'funnelling' andis an effective method of getting to the real meaning of a discussion.
Observe the people involved in the influencing issue. Listento how they use their voice in discussing the issue (words used, speed ofspeech, variation in tone, etc.), watch their facial expressions (look for cuesand clues of their feelings while talking) and observe their overall bodylanguage (gestures, body position, etc.).
The effective influencer must be aware of his or her ownskills and abilities. They should have a clear understanding of their preferredstyle of dealing with others. They should know their own strengths andweaknesses, motivators and demotivators, sources of power and have a very clearunderstanding of their role in the influencing process.
Others' Awareness
As well as being self-aware, an effective influencer willalso observe others preferred influencing styles, the skills they use ininfluencing situations, their power bases and what turns them on and off.Awareness in this area will help you to choose the right influencing approachfor the persons involved.
Flexibility/ Adaptability
The ability to change and adapt to suit the situation isvery important, and a skilled influencer realises that there is no one way ofinfluencing. There are only effective skills which can help you in the process.The success of any influencing interaction is usually down to how the skillshave been used in practice, so adaptability and flexibility are key. This meansthe flexibility to be able to vary your style and approach to suit thesituation and people involved as well as the ability to diagnose the situationand people facing you.
It is important to reflect upon the styles you use whenattempting to influence others. Most of us will have a preferred approach, butone approach will not work for all. Therefore, it is important to develop arange of different styles to use depending upon the situation and people.
This is where you use insistence or threats to get thingsdone. Overuse of this approach can result in resentment from those you areattempting to influence
Appealing to the feelings and values of those beinginfluenced. This can be counterproductive if the person influenced feels thatthey are being emotionally blackmailed.
Presenting a well thought through case which focuses onlogic and rationality. This style is the basis of many influencing interactionsbut rarely succeeds on its own unless the people are in complete agreement withone another's views. This is a common style among most business people -however we must remember that not all decision-making is rational.
This is when people recognise that it is necessary tosatisfy at least some of each party's interests. Working towards a negotiatedoutcome is necessary when you may not get everything you want but when aneffective outcome for all parties could be reached. Effective use of this styledepends upon the use of good communication skills.
This is about mutual agreement of the best decision. Itoften means that you encourage the other people to develop their own analysisand solutions to the issues. This approach is very time-consuming and demandsmutual respect and trust. However, the major benefit of adopting this style isthe high level of commitment you gain from those you are influencing.
This style is characterised by the provision of new conceptsor ideas and can often be teamed with expert power. The important thing inusing this style is to ensure that the information is highly relevant to theissue under discussion.
Use of one's personality and charm can often be an effectiveinfluencing style, but if over-used it may appear manipulative.
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