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Management Skills to Survive and ThriveManagement Skills to Survive and Thrive

Navigating Management in Uncertain Times

Face to face / Online public schedule & onsite training. Restaurant lunch included at STL venues.

From £470 List price £650

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Below are some extracts from our Management Skills to Survive and Thrive manual.

Management Skills to Survive and Thrive


Creative Thinking:

    • Diverse Perspectives: When assembling teams, seek diversity in terms of backgrounds, experiences, and expertise. A mix of viewpoints can lead to innovative solutions. For instance, engineers collaborating with designers or marketers can yield fresh insights.
    • Brainstorming Techniques:
      • Classic Brainstorming: Gather a group, set a time limit, and generate as many ideas as possible without judgment. Quantity matters initially; quality emerges later.
      • Reverse Brainstorming: Instead of generating solutions, focus on creating problems. Then flip those problems into potential solutions.
      • SCAMPER Technique: Use this mnemonic to prompt creative thinking:
        • Substitute: What if we replaced X with Y?
        • Combine: Can we merge two existing ideas?
        • Adapt: How can we modify an existing solution?
        • Modify: What changes can enhance the current approach?
        • Put to another use: Can we repurpose something?
        • Eliminate: What if we remove a component?
        • Reverse/Rearrange: Flip the problem or process.
  1. Stakeholder Management:
    • Identify Stakeholders:
      • Primary Stakeholders: Those directly impacted by your project (e.g., customers, employees, investors).
      • Secondary Stakeholders: Indirectly affected parties (e.g., suppliers, regulators, local communities).
    • Stakeholder Analysis:
      • Power-Interest Grid: Plot stakeholders based on their power (influence) and interest (concern) in your project.
      • Engagement Strategies:
        • High Power, High Interest: Collaborate closely and keep them informed.
        • High Power, Low Interest: Keep satisfied but don’t overwhelm.
        • Low Power, High Interest: Involve them selectively.
        • Low Power, Low Interest: Monitor but minimal engagement.
    • Effective Communication:
      • Tailor Messages: Adapt your communication style to resonate with each stakeholder group. Investors may want financial data, while employees may need motivational messages.
      • Active Listening: Understand their needs, concerns, and expectations.
      • Transparency: Be honest about challenges and progress.
      • Feedback Loop: Regularly seek feedback and adjust your approach.
  2. Effective Communication using the EEC Model:
    • Example: Start by describing a specific behavior or situation. For instance, “During our team meeting yesterday…”
    • Effect: Explain the impact of that behavior. “When you interrupted others, it disrupted the flow of ideas.”
    • Change: Suggest a positive change. “Next time, let’s encourage everyone to share their thoughts uninterrupted.”
  3. Strategic Planning with SMARTER Objectives:
    • SMARTER Criteria:
      • Specific: Define precisely what you want to achieve. Avoid vague goals.
      • Measurable: Set quantifiable metrics. For instance, “Increase sales by 15%.”
      • Achievable: Ensure goals are realistic given available resources and constraints.
      • Relevant: Align objectives with your organization’s mission and long-term vision.
      • Time-bound: Set deadlines. “Launch the new product by Q4.”
      • Evaluate and Reevaluate: Continuously assess progress and adjust objectives as needed.
  4. Crafting and Communicating Leadership Vision:
    • Purpose and Values: Reflect on your organization’s purpose and core values. What impact do you want to make?
    • Aspirational Yet Grounded: Dream big, but ground your vision in reality. Consider both short-term wins and long-term impact.
    • Emotional Connection: Craft a vision that resonates emotionally. Inspire passion and commitment.
    • Consistent Messaging: Communicate the vision consistently across all


  1. Motivation Techniques: Motivating a team and fostering a positive, can-do culture are critical for organizational success. Here are some strategies:
    • Share the Why: Clearly communicate the purpose and vision behind tasks or projects. When team members understand the bigger picture, they feel more connected and motivated.
    • Involve Team Members in Goal Setting: Empower them to contribute to defining objectives. Ownership increases when they have a say in what they’re working toward.
    • Provide Constructive Feedback: Regularly acknowledge achievements and offer guidance for improvement. Positive reinforcement fuels motivation.
    • Practice Active Listening: Understand individual needs, concerns, and aspirations. Show empathy and adapt your approach accordingly.
    • Hold Team Members Accountable: Set clear expectations and follow through. Accountability reinforces ownership.
    • Avoid Micromanaging: Trust your team to execute tasks. Micromanagement stifles autonomy and motivation.
    • Show Gratitude: Express appreciation for their efforts. A simple “thank you” goes a long way.


  1. Ownership and Accountability: Encouraging personal responsibility and ownership within your team can significantly enhance performance and outcomes. Here are some strategies:
    • Shared Vision: Create a clear vision that guides your team’s work. When team members feel connected to a larger purpose, they are more likely to take ownership.
    • Collaborative Goal-Setting: Involve team members in setting objectives. Shared goals foster a sense of responsibility and commitment.
    • Feedback Culture: Regularly provide constructive feedback. Acknowledge achievements and address areas for improvement.
    • Lead by Example: As a leader, demonstrate ownership and accountability. When team members see you taking responsibility, they’re more likely to follow suit.
    • Transparent Communication: Be open about challenges and setbacks. Encourage team members to do the same.
    • Performance Metrics: Set clear performance metrics and hold everyone accountable. Celebrate successes and address deviations promptly123.
  2. Stress Management: Identifying stress triggers and implementing effective coping strategies is crucial for maintaining well-being. Here are practical methods:
    • Identify Stressors:
      • Make a list of factors that contribute to your stress. Recognize patterns and common stress triggers.
      • Understand that stress affects individuals differently. What stresses one person may not affect another in the same way.
    • Time Management:
      • Set realistic priorities and learn to say no when necessary.
      • Allocate time for hobbies and interests to recharge.
    • Healthy Habits:
      • Avoid relying on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress. These can exacerbate stress.
      • Seek social support—connecting with others helps alleviate stress.
    • Mindfulness Techniques:
      • Practice deep breathing, meditation, or guided imagery to manage stress in the moment.
      • Be self-aware and recognize when stress is building up.
    • Physical Well-Being:
      • Get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, and maintain a balanced diet.
      • Avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms.
    • Seek Professional Help:

Remember, taking care of your own well-being allows you to lead effectively and support your team.


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