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Practical HR Tips for ManagersPractical HR Tips for Managers

Face to face / Virtual closed & onsite training. Restaurant lunch included at STL venues.

  • 1 day Instructor-led workshop

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Below are some extracts from our Practical HR Tips for Managers manual.

Practical HR Tips for Managers

Understanding Your Employees

  1. Regular One-on-One Meetings:
    • Initiate regular 1:1 discussions with your team members.
    • Exchange information, discuss training needs, and address concerns.
    • Understand individual needs and ensure they are met.
  2. Collaborative Goal Setting:
    • Involve employees in goal-setting discussions.
    • Reflect on challenges, growth opportunities, and areas for improvement.
    • Encourage employees to take ownership of their development goals.
  3. Prioritize Skill Development:
    • Identify skill gaps and provide targeted training.
    • Customize development plans based on individual abilities.
    • Help employees build the skills necessary for success.

Promoting Teamwork

  1. Foster Upward Mobility:
    • Create a culture where employees see opportunities for advancement.
    • Offer learning and development tracks for both current roles and lateral moves.
    • Position your company as one where growth is possible.
  2. Encourage Collaboration:
    • Organize team-building activities and cross-functional training.
    • Promote peer-to-peer mentoring and knowledge sharing.
    • Strengthen relationships within and across teams.

Encouraging Professional Development

  1. Open-Door Policy:
    • Make yourself accessible to employees.
    • Create an environment where open communication is valued.
    • Address concerns proactively and build trust.
  2. Involve Employees in Decision-Making:
    • Seek input on decisions affecting the team and organization.
    • Show that their perspectives matter and influence outcomes.
  3. Offer Regular Feedback:
    • Provide constructive feedback to individual team members.
    • Recognize achievements and offer guidance for improvement.

Organizational Focus

  1. Big Picture Perspective:
    • Understand the overall organizational goals.
    • Align team efforts with the broader vision.
  2. Relationship Building:
    • Create connections within and across departments.
    • Foster collaboration and shared understanding.
  3. Collaborate with Stakeholders:
    • Engage with external partners, clients, and vendors.
    • Leverage collective expertise for mutual success.
  4. Technology Utilization:
    • Identify and use appropriate technologies.
    • Stay informed about industry trends


Create Relationships Within and Across Departments

Building strong relationships within and across departments is essential for organizational success. Here are some strategies to foster collaboration:

  1. Cross-Departmental Collaboration:
    • Encourage regular interactions between teams from different departments.
    • Host joint meetings, workshops, or brainstorming sessions.
    • Promote knowledge sharing and cross-functional understanding.
  2. Joint Committees and Projects:
    • Form committees or task forces with representatives from various departments.
    • Collaborate on initiatives such as process improvement, diversity and inclusion, or innovation.
  3. Social Events and Team-Building Activities:
    • Organize team-building outings, lunches, or virtual events.
    • Strengthen interpersonal connections and create a sense of camaraderie.

Collaborate with All Stakeholders

Effective collaboration extends beyond internal teams. Engage with external stakeholders to achieve shared goals:

  1. Stakeholder Mapping:
    • Identify key stakeholders—customers, suppliers, partners, regulatory bodies, and community members.
    • Understand their needs, interests, and influence.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Communicate openly with stakeholders.
    • Seek their input, involve them in decision-making, and address their concerns.

Understand Your Organisation

To thrive within your organization, gain a deeper understanding of its dynamics:

  1. Purpose and Goals:
    • Know the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic objectives.
    • Align your work with these overarching goals.
  2. People, Processes, and Structures:
    • Visualize the organization as a system.
    • Understand how people, workflows, and organizational structures interact.
    • Recognize the roles and responsibilities of different teams.

Identify and Use the Appropriate Technologies

Selecting suitable technologies is crucial for efficiency and effectiveness:

  1. Appropriate Technology:
  2. Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
    • Stay informed about emerging technologies.
    • Encourage employees to learn and adapt to new tools.

Encourage Continuous Growth

A culture of continuous learning benefits both individuals and the organization:

  1. Learning Mindset:
    • Promote curiosity, risk-taking, and a willingness to learn.
    • Celebrate mistakes as opportunities for growth.
  2. Recognition and Feedback:
    • Acknowledge achievements and provide constructive feedback.
    • Encourage employees to set personal development goals.

Evaluate and Update Processes

Regularly assess and improve organizational processes:

  1. Process Audits:
    • Evaluate existing workflows and identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
    • Involve relevant stakeholders in process reviews.
  2. Agile Adaptation:
    • Be open to change and agility.
    • Update processes based on feedback, technological advancements, and evolving needs.


Keeping Abreast of HR Matters, Laws, Regulation, and Best Practices

Staying informed about HR matters, employment laws, regulations, and best practices is crucial for effective people management. Here are some strategies to help you stay up-to-date:

  1. Regular Training Sessions:
  2. Work with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO):
  3. Global Employer of Record (EOR):
  4. Attend Webinars and Subscribe to Newsletters:



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