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Senior Level CommunicationsSenior Level Communications

Face to face / Virtual public schedule & onsite training. Restaurant lunch included at STL venues.

From £495 List price £650

As the world gets more global in its communications, challenging situations can present themselves every day for senior managers. Often, these managers are of a different generation to those just starting work and the difference in perspectives can be fraught with misunderstandings and frustrations.
This course enables you to advance your skills in international communications, to set out your purpose and make clear the strategies you've created or the outcomes you are seeking to others. It shows you what impact you have on others and how the right form or style of communication will help mutual understanding.
To be effective, this course is very challenging. It is practical, relevant to the issues of the day and inspirational in its outlook. It requires that you suspend old patterns of thinking which will thus enable you to grow out of your comfort zone, making you more confident and giving you effective tools to use in the workplace.

Training manual sample

Below are some extracts from our Senior Level Communications manual.

Senior Level Communications

Profiling in Senior Level Communications

How Are You Presenting Yourself to Others?

  • Self-Image and Perception:
    • Understand that how you perceive yourself may differ from how others perceive you.
    • Self-awareness is crucial; examine your behavior, communication style, and impact on others.
  • First Impressions:
    • First encounters matter. People form initial judgments based on appearance, demeanor, and communication.
    • Be mindful of the impressions you create; authenticity matters.

Getting Through the Other Person’s Filters

  • Perception and Communication:
    • Perception shapes our understanding of the world.
    • Recognize that everyone has their own frame of reference; no two people perceive exactly the same way.
    • Practice active listening and empathy to understand others’ perspectives.
  • Overcoming Filters:
    • Avoid assumptions and stereotypes.
    • Conduct perception checks: When in doubt, clarify with the other person rather than jumping to conclusions.

Testing Your Belief Systems

  • Core Values and Beliefs:
    • Reflect on your personal values and belief system.
    • Consider taking assessments (e.g., Valued Living Questionnaire, Personal Values Assessment) to explore your core values.
  • Behavioral Experiments:
    • Challenge maladaptive schemas and assumptions through behavioral experiments.
    • Test and reshape your beliefs to align with positive behaviors and emotional responses.

Embracing Change Without Losing Yourself

  • Adaptability and Authenticity:
    • Change doesn’t mean losing your identity.
    • Embrace growth while staying true to your core values.
    • Continuously learn, evolve, and refine your communication style.


Becoming More Sensitive: Awareness of Conscious and Unconscious Messages

Becoming more sensitive involves tuning into both conscious and unconscious messages. Here are some insights:

  1. Two Streams of Conscious Awareness:
  2. Unconscious Mind:

‘What Happens When You’ve Tried Everything and STILL There’s No Change?’

When you’ve exhausted various approaches and still face challenges, consider these points:

  1. Paradox of Control:
  2. Paradox of Time in Bed:

Engaging Others in Your Ideas: Inspirational Leadership

Inspirational leadership motivates and engages others by sharing a vision. Key aspects:

  1. Attributes of Inspirational Leaders:
    • There are 33 attributes that inspire people, but having just one can double your chance of being an inspirational leader.
    • Behavioral “spikes” relevant to how the company creates value matter.
  2. Balancing Inspiration and Results:

High Impact One on One

Effective one-on-one interactions require emotional intelligence and intentionality:

  1. Eliciting Emotional Responses:
    • Use words, sounds, and physical cues to evoke specific emotions.
    • Understand the emotional impact of your communication.
  2. Psychological Masks:
  3. Triggering Desired Responses:
    • Understand psychological triggers.
    • Use them strategically to guide conversations where you want them to go.


Theory Meets Practice

When theory meets practice, it’s like the fusion of two worlds—the abstract and the tangible. Here’s how they intersect:

  1. Understanding Topics and Ideas:
    • Theory provides frameworks, models, and concepts.
    • Practice applies these theories to real-world situations.
    • The interplay between theory and practice enriches our understanding.
  2. Development of Scholarship:
    • The synergy between theory and practice fuels scholarly growth.
    • Researchers learn from practical experiences and refine theories.

What Impact Do You Generate? - The Way Others See It

Impression management is the conscious and unconscious process we use to control how others perceive us. Key points:

  1. Purpose:
    • We shape impressions to achieve goals—whether in personal or professional settings.
    • Managing impressions builds trust, strengthens bonds, and avoids conflict.
  2. Traits of Resonant Leaders:

Creating Resonance to Gain Cooperation

Resonant leadership ignites hearts and minds. It’s about emotional connections that inspire. Traits include:

  1. Self-awareness: Understand your emotions and strengths.
  2. Empathy: Relate to others genuinely.
  3. Authenticity: Be transparent and true to yourself.
  4. Inspirational communication: Motivate through compelling messages.
  5. Building relationships: Invest time in trust and connection.

Overcoming Inhibitions

Feeling inhibited? You’re not alone. Here’s how to break free:

  1. Explore Your Fears:
    • Identify specific fears tied to your inhibitions.
    • Naming fears is the first step to overcoming them.
  2. Face Your Fears Incrementally:
    • Gradually confront fears in controlled environments.
    • Remember: Fear can mean “face everything and rise.”
  3. Fall in Love with Yourself:
    • Accept and respect your uniqueness.
    • Stand your ground, hold true to your values, and don’t take criticism personally.


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