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Posts by Sarah (Trainer)

Latest 50 posts

gold contributer[103 posts]

4 Mar 2021RE: Excel Functions
3 Aug 2020RE: explaining your perspective on time and stress management to
3 Mar 2020RE: Changing design theme
24 Feb 2020RE: Career development
17 Feb 2020RE: Managing someone with aspergers
15 Jan 2020RE: V look ups & pivot tables
15 Jan 2020RE: Sharing workbooks
20 Dec 2019RE: cutting and pasting data from excel to word document
28 Nov 2019RE: 24/7 access to questions and theory
14 Oct 2019Will be marked as resolved in 5 days
11 Oct 2019RE: Dynamic Tables
10 Oct 2019RE: Dynamic Tables
6 Aug 2019RE: Publisher
9 Jul 2019RE: Changing footer in the slide master
5 Jul 2019RE: Organisation / Ordering of slides
13 May 2019RE: Digital Signatures - How to confirm they are genuine
18 Apr 2019RE: Excel columns
12 Apr 2019RE: Excel columns
12 Apr 2019RE: Excel Advanced, Formulas and Functions
12 Apr 2019RE: Excel Linking Columns
8 Apr 2019RE: Internal brainstorming session
15 Mar 2019RE: email
1 Mar 2019Will be marked as resolved in 5 days
1 Mar 2019RE: files
16 Jan 2019RE: emotional intelligence - advertising
5 Dec 2018RE: Auto-totalling from several worksheets/workbooks
27 Nov 2018RE: Sum or subtract
26 Nov 2018RE: Swap element positions
26 Nov 2018Will be marked as resolved in 5 days
26 Nov 2018RE: Line connectors
22 Nov 2018Will be marked as resolved in 5 days
22 Nov 2018RE: Swap element positions
22 Nov 2018Will be marked as resolved in 5 days
22 Nov 2018RE: VAT
12 Nov 2018Will be marked as resolved in 5 days
12 Nov 2018RE: bullet point design
12 Oct 2018RE: Multiple Themes
27 Sep 2018RE: Vlookup using two workbooks on SharePoint
5 Sep 2018RE: Conditonal formating - last row
5 Sep 2018RE: Conditonal formating - last row
6 Jun 2018RE: V Look Up
29 May 2018RE: Story boarding and presenting
25 May 2018RE: Adding Sub-projects to a Master Schedule
25 May 2018RE: Adding Sub-Projects to a Master Schedule
3 May 2018RE: merging two spreadsheets
20 Apr 2018RE: Linking graphs from excel to powerpoint
20 Apr 2018RE: Linking Graphs with files on sharepoint
12 Apr 2018RE: none
10 Apr 2018RE: Advance excel training - excel working files to practice
5 Apr 2018RE: Excel VBA Beginner course


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