line connectors

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Line connectors

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Jennie has attended:
Visio Introduction course

Line connectors

Can you please tell me how to do a line overlap where two connectors cross each other?

RE: Line connectors

Hi Jennie

Connectors on a page can either intersect as straight crossing lines or as line jumps. You can change the line jumps setting for an individual diagram or change the default setting overall.

To make the change on your current diagram, select the Design ribbon> Connectors:

Show jumps over crossing lines - select Show Line Jumps.

Remove jumps over crossing lines - clear Show Line Jumps.

To set the default line jump style, select the Design ribbon> then click the Page Setup dialog box launcher (the tiny arrow at the bottom of the Page Setup section).

Click Layout and Routing, then under Line jumps you can choose your default style. You can edit what sort of lines jump, and the size and shape of the jump. Click Apply when you are happy with your choice.

Hope this helps, let us know if you need further help.

Kind Regards,

Microsoft Trainer

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

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Mon 3 Dec 2018: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Visio tip:

Using the Quick Access Toolbar in Visio 2010

The Quick Access Toolbar is included in virtually every Office product, including Visio 2010 as well as Outlook 2010, Word 2010, Excel 2010, and PowerPoint 2010.

You will find the Quick Access Toolbar in the top-left side of the window. To begin, click the Customize button (it's the little black arrow at the end of the toolbar).

Simply click the commands you want to include.

Virtually any command can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar. Click the More Commands option and a new window will open from where you can browse the commands including those not on the ribbon.

View all Visio hints and tips

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