dynamic tables

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Dynamic Tables

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Mike has attended:
Excel Intermediate course
Project Introduction course

Dynamic Tables


I am trying to add additional information into a table, but it will not accept it in the correct format, can someone give me a call please?

Kind regards


RE: Dynamic Tables

Hi Mike,

Can you give me a bit more information on what's not working with the format?
Is it colour format or number format?
Whatever number format you put on the body of the table will continue down the rows as new information is added. For instance date formatting or currency information. Also conditional formatting will down the table too.
Do you have the formatting as you want it on the very first row below the header row?

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

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RE: Dynamic Tables

Hi it is about the set up tables - i really need to speak to someone as it is impossible to talk over messages!

RE: Dynamic Tables

Hi Mike

Thank you for your patience Mike.
Under Section 5 - Working with Tables from the manual you receive on the Intermediate course it does run through a check on Tables.
Please ensure there are no gaps/blank rows and the blue triangle in the bottom corner is dragged to include the new data.

Without further information as Claire requested it's hard to know what you've tried and therefore what the root cause actually is.
I appreciate it's harder to explain by a message and for the majority of questions we receive this forum is a fit for purpose tool. The complimentary support for two years you receive is through this forum and doesn't include telephone/remote support.

If you can drop an email to Info@STL-Training.co.uk, we can get your account manager to give you a call and talk through how we can support you further. I hope that's going to help you progress your solution

Kind regards

Richard Bailey
Head of Learning

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

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Mon 28 Oct 2019: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Do a fast scroll

In big Excel databases with many records, you can move down thousands of rows super-fast as follows: hold down Shift then click on the scrollbar somewhere below the scrollbar handle. This will move you way down the sheet without your having to use the scrollbar up/down arrows or drag on the scrollbar handle.

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