v look ups

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Forum home » Delegate support and help forum » Microsoft Excel Training and help » V look ups & pivot tables

V look ups & pivot tables

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2016

Tanya has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course
Excel Advanced course

V look ups & pivot tables

A brief summary on how to do them if possible

RE: V look ups & pivot tables

Hi Tanya

Thanks for your question.

I can see that you've previously attended an Excel Advanced course with us, so both of these topics will be explained really well in the course manual.

To access the manual, sign in to your delegate account by clicking the button in the top right corner of our website (if you've forgotten your password then just enter your email and reset password).

Scroll down the page to see a long list of courses. The courses you've attended will be highlighted in green and you should be able to download the relevant manual by clicking the link.

Let me know if you have any trouble doing this.

Kind Regards,
Excel Trainer


Excel tip:

Convert a column into row quickly in Excel 2010

Occasionally you might enter data into Excel vertically and then when you finish realize that actually it would look more clearer if it was represented in a horizontal format. If you follow these simple steps below, you can quickly change the data from going vertically to horizontally and vice versa.

First, select the column you want to convert into a row or a row into a column. Then right click and select Copy. Go to the sheet where you want to past this row as a column and select “Paste Special”. Remember to check the check-box “Transpose” and select “OK”.

View all Excel hints and tips

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