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Forum home » Delegate support and help forum » Microsoft Excel Training and help » Files


resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 365

Vita has attended:
Excel Advanced course


please send me todays files

RE: files

Thanks for your request, your trainer is currently delivering so we will send the exercise files over as soon as we can.

Kind Regards,
Excel Trainer

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

Notice: This is an automated message. Due to inactivity, this forum post will be marked as 'resolved' if there are no further responses in the next 5 days.

Fri 8 Mar 2019: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Quick Zooming in Excel with rollerball mouses

To zoom in and out of your page hold down the control key and roll the wheel up and down. This will zoom up and down 15% at a time.

View all Excel hints and tips

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