excel functions

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Excel Functions

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Philip has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Excel Forecasting and Data Analysis course

Excel Functions

I wondered if Excel has a function for a Chi Square test (I believe this is the name). My memory from A-level maths is that this test provides an indication of statistical dependency.
In the example from Jens regarding Dangerous Ice Creams, there was a Correlation between shark attacks and ice cream sales, but not a not an inter dependency. I believe Chi^2 tests for this.

RE: Excel Functions

Hi Philip

Thanks for your question, sounds like a really interesting one!

The best person to answer you is of course Jens, who ran your training and will be familiar with the example you talk about.

Jens is delivering a complex training today and tomorrow, so may not have capacity to answer your question this week. However I can see he will have time on Monday to take a look at it, I hope this is ok.

Kind Regards,

STL Training Manager

RE: Excel Functions


RE: Excel Functions

Hi Philip,

I hope you are well.

Thank you for the forum question.

We can do a Chi Square test in Excel. We have the chitest function.

I haven't had the time to get my head around exactly what the function is doing, but I will come back to you not later than Monday.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
STL - https://www.stl-training.co.uk
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RE: Excel Functions

Thanks Jens, I look forward to hearing from you, although no rush.

RE: Excel Functions

Hi Philip,

I hope you had a nice weekend.

We have got an updated function to do a Chi Square test. The CHISQ.TEST function, but if I understand the Chi Square test right, it will not help us to find out if ice cream is dangerous in Australia :-)

As I understand Chi Square test, the test can tell us how far a expected result is from the actual result.

The link below show an example of using the CHISQ.TEST function.


Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
STL - https://www.stl-training.co.uk
98%+ recommend us

London's leader with UK wide delivery in Microsoft Office training and management training to global brands, FTSE 100, SME's and the public sector

Sun 14 Mar 2021: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Convert a column into row quickly in Excel 2010

Occasionally you might enter data into Excel vertically and then when you finish realize that actually it would look more clearer if it was represented in a horizontal format. If you follow these simple steps below, you can quickly change the data from going vertically to horizontally and vice versa.

First, select the column you want to convert into a row or a row into a column. Then right click and select Copy. Go to the sheet where you want to past this row as a column and select “Paste Special”. Remember to check the check-box “Transpose” and select “OK”.

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