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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Phillip has attended:
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You have a wide range of manuals/training materials available for download - but nothing for Publisher. Is there anything available, but just without a link to it yet?

I need something other than the typical stuff you can find online - how to make a newsletter using an existing template. I am printing multi-section books, double sided, with correct imposition on pages of various sizes. Currently I use Word for this, but I am told - but a professional printer - that Publisher would give me greater control, but I can’t find anything to give me any real idea that that is indeed the case.

I hope you might have something

RE: Publisher

Hi Phillip

Unfortunately we don't have any Publisher material available free on our website.

I know you've probably already come across these, but there are some great free resources available on the Microsoft website:
This website also has some great tips and tricks to get you started:

Publisher is indeed far superior for creating booklets than Word, especially if there are different text areas and images that need aligning. It might feel unfamiliar at first, but it isn't an overly complex program so is definitely worth trying for the document you've described.

Sorry we can't be more help.

Kind Regards,

MS Office Trainer


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Clci on Always show full menus to see the full drop down menu bar.

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