career development

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Career development

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Francesca has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Management Leadership course

Career development

Progression trajectories

RE: Career development

Hi Francesca

Thanks for your question, unfortunately I'm not quite sure what you're asking?

If you let me know more details I can hopefully get back to you with some support.

Kind Regards,

Professional Development Trainer

Mon 2 Mar 2020: Automatically marked as resolved.


Training courses


Training information:

Welcome. Please choose your application (eg. Excel) and then post your question.

Our Microsoft Qualified trainers will then respond within 24 hours (working days).

Frequently Asked Questions
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Management Training tip:

Task List or To Do List

Don't confuse yourself with too many tasks on a to do list. The Task List is all the things that require attention, whether by you or others, now or later. The To Do list is your immediate daily plan, and is a subset of your Task List.

Keep your To Do list to no more than 5 major items.

View all Management Training hints and tips

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