Whether it is competing for a job or working toward career enhancement, we all need to be at the top of our game to achieve those desired results and propel forward. Therefore, it is essential to learn a form of communication which does not rely on the spoken word as the only means of interaction.

Although verbal communication is the number one tool, it is used minimally in face to face interaction. It is estimated that when two people speak, only one tenth of communication is conveyed through words. The other 90% of dialect is made up with the tone and inflection of the voice, speed, facial expressions, stance, pauses and head position.

With this thought in mind, it makes sense to become aware of these other vital forms of communication to improve our rank or title. Believe it or not you could actually improve your style of communication simply by learning the art of body language. Being aware of the information you send is your key to climbing the career ladder.

If you turn up at an interview and show masses of enthusiasm, ask all the right questions and speak with confidence, chances are you will end up on the shortlist for the job. However, if you throw in some good body language, your chances will increase especially if the person interviewing you is a highly powerful individual.

If you currently maintain a position of authority, you need to show that you are really taking the lead. By utilizing your body language you convey a sense of power which produces a change of behaviour in your staff team.

By learning to control the conscious signals that we send, these new habits will start to become internalised and unconscious.

Let's take a look at some quick and easy ways to enhance your status within the workplace.

Moving around the office: Slow steps are the key. Walk slowly and calmly and you show employees that you are composed and not afraid to be seen.

At your desk, ensure that you are sat upright in your chair. This position helps to instill confidence in your way of thinking. When the phone rings, reach for the receiver slowly. If you talk to a member of staff, keep hand movements slight, and try not to fidget. If you find this difficult, try to hold something in one hand and focus on not letting it move. This will train the body to remain still during conversation.

Vocal skills: Speech needs to be clear, concise and only used when there is something important to say. Make it a point to listen so as every word is absorbed. Only vocalize when you are sure that you have the attention of those you wish to make dialogue with. Ensure that what you have to say is important enough to grasp the attention and keep every word steady and calm.

Use pauses: Many people believe that silence in conversation is a sign of rudeness and use small talk to fill in the blanks. However, saying what you have to say and then the pause helps to get the message across. Listen to what the person has to say and pause before responding.

Body Posture: Put on a happy face and you show the world that you are confident. Take a look at politicians and you will see that they have mastered the art of its effectiveness. When you smile, you alter the sound of your voice and it becomes naturally more positive and confident.

Thumbs up: Try to keep your thumbs visible. Yes, it may sound a bit odd but if you watch some of the great leaders give a speech, you will note that their thumbs always point upwards. Do this and people will completely alter their view of you. Take a look at Martin Luther King and you will see how he cleverly used this method to gain the devout attention of his followers.

In a discussion, keep an appropriate distance from the people you are talking to. The aim is to display assertiveness and respect for their personal space. Stand too close and you may appear aggressive. Communication is calmer and more effective if those involved feel comfortable.

Try not to fold your arms if you are discussing a matter with someone or simply just listening. Instead, express your opinion verbally. One other way to build rapport with colleagues is to mirror their body language. This shows respect for the other person and help you, and them, to feel comfortable.

When it comes to body language at work, the main thing to remember is that you are not at home and relaxing with your family or friends. Therefore, you need to adapt your communication skills whilst at the office. Pay close attention to your body language and you will demonstrate your effective professional communication skills.