sharing workbooks

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Sharing workbooks

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2016

Katie has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course
Excel Advanced course

Sharing workbooks


I would like to know how best to allow multiple people to work in the same file at the same time? When I click share in top right it asks me to save to cloud - is this usually the only option for making this happen?

Thanks :)

RE: Sharing workbooks

Hi Katie

Thanks for your question.

Yes absolutely, saving your document to the cloud is the best way to allow several users to work collaboratively on the same piece of work.

An easy way to do this is to save it to your personal OneDrive folder, then share access to it with the other contributors.

When you click the Share button it will give you the option to save to OneDrive (you may need to sign in to your Microsoft account). Once you've saved the document a box will pop up offering to send the link. Here you should first decide what access you're giving people to the file (edit, view etc) and how long they can access it for. You can then share either by typing in email addresses and a message directly, or by clicking copy link and sending it in another format.

When you share a file in this way, any changes made and saved by other users will automatically update in the original document. This makes your collaborative work much more efficient, because you can avoid sending different versions of documents back and forward.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind Regards,
MS Office Trainer


Excel tip:

Switching Between Spreadsheets

As the Alt+Tab key switches between loaded applications or files, Ctrl+Tab switches between loaded or open Excel files. Hold down the Ctrl key until you have tabbed to the correct spreadsheet.

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