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Limehouse training venue

Photos: Station to venue

From Limehouse DLR 'Branch Road' Exit

branch road exit
(1) It's recommend you take the 'Branch Road' exit. If you are arriving via National Rail, you can actually exit on to the DLR platform via a link bridge, then follow this platform to the other end. Look for the signs for Branch Road exit.
branch road from station
(2) As you come out of the Branch Road exit, you will see this view. The arrow indicates where Branch Road continues. Walk down this way.
branch road from platform
(3) This photo shows Branch Road from the DLR platform. The Rotherhithe Tunnel road is on the right where all the traffic is shown. The other part of Branch Road continues in the direction of the arrow, follow this route.
towards Hurford Salvi Carr
(4) Once you pass the building with a big sign out the front saying 'Berglen Court 7' (some red phone boxes opposite), you will see a small car park with a few trees on your left. Cross through this car park. Bear right to walk up the ramp, indicated with the arrow.
towards Hurford Salvi Carr
(5) You will pass 'Hurford Salvi Carr' Real Estate agents on your right.
marina view from Hurford Salvi Carr
(6) From the Real Estate agents, you will see this view of the marina. Walk down the steps and take an immediate left.
along marina walk
(7) Walk along the Marina. You'll pass the Marina's black security gate on your left.
lock office
(8) At this lock office, bear right.
view of CA House
(9) Across the water, you'll see this building, CA House (marked with the green arrow). This is where you need to get to!
Simply turn to your right to see the footbridge.
over footbridge
(10) Cross the lock via the footbridge then turn left.
birds eye view of footbridge
(11) This is a bird's eye view of crossing the lock (Photo taken from our training room)
entrance to CA House
(12) You'll see three steps on your right leading to CA House entrance. Ring the buzzer for STL.
Once in the lobby, you need to get to the 2nd Floor. You can use the stairs on your left, or there is an elevator on the right.

From Limehouse DLR/National Rail 'Bekesbourne Street' Exit

bekesbourne street start
(1) If you do use the 'Bekesbourne Street' exit, follow these steps. You should see 'Grocery Station' near the exit. When facing this store, turn left to see Bekesbourne Street.
up steps
(2) Walk down Bekesbourne Street until you reach the park and some steps leading to the walk/bicycle path.
over bridge
(3) Bear left and cross the bridge which goes over the Rotherhithe tunnel entrance.
across courtyard
(4) Go through the archway, bear left and continue down the slight hill, then turn left onto Horseferry Road.
along horseferry road
(5) Continue down Horseferry road, on the left hand side (You'll immediately cross over Branch Road).
left in to marina walking path
(6) When you get to a corner bearing right, you'll notice this car park on the left. Walk in between the silver and black fence, which is a walkway taking you along the Marina.

You'll see 'Hurford Salvi Carr' Real Estate agents a little further ahead. Turn right instead of going up the steps.

To continue, see step (7) of the 'Branch Road' directions, above.

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