Sage London courses

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Sage courses London

sage courses london

Instructor-led training for Sage Line 50 Courses and Sage Payroll Courses

Our expert trainers teach Sage courses for all versions of Sage Line 50 and Sage Payroll. We have high-spec training centres in London and also provide on-site and near-site training wherever you are in the UK.

There are three levels of Sage Line 50 training courses - Introduction, Intermediate & Advanced. There are 2 levels of Sage payroll training - Introduction & Advanced. Each Sage course is one day in duration. You can choose how your training is delivered: by closed company training, on-site training or one-to-one courses.

Sage Line 50 Courses

Sage Line 50 Introduction Courses- Training in financial controls, updating customers and suppliers, product controls, producing statements and receipts, managing purchases, the nominal ledger, bank accounts and VAT returns.

Sage Line 50 Intermediate Courses - Learning about entries, including prepayments, accruals and depreciation, assets, working with purchase orders, working with sales orders, dealing with debt and credit control basics.

Sage Line 50 Advanced Courses - Training in importing data, departments, budgets and discounts, quotes and invoices, currencies, payments, making global changes, the stock wizard report designer and analysis, access rights.

Sage Payroll Courses

Sage Payroll Introduction Courses - Learn about the payroll and program basics, adding and managing employee records, pay elements, payment processing, reports, rates of pay, views, employees leaving, managing Payroll features, Year End procedures, linking to instant accounts.

Sage Payroll Advanced Courses - Training in tree view and criteria, analysis, schemes, managing payment types, company cars, student loans, tax credits, setting access rights, linking the payroll to accounts.

Please call us if you require further information on Sage Courses in London and UK.

What is Sage?

Sage is a business management software for small and medium sized enterprises. The purpose of Sage is to help customers run their businesses more effectively, helping them to gain greater insight into their business activities and providing them with lasting benefits by automating their business processes.

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