exporting project tasks

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Exporting Project tasks

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2010

Exporting Project tasks

Can tasks be exported from project to the outlook calanders of those who are tasked if their calenders are shared?

RE: Exporting Project tasks

Hi Jim

Here's a couple of links that might help.



The first one is a video showing how to export Project tasks to Outlook tasks.

The second one describes how and why to export Project tasks to an Outlook calendar.

It involves exporting to Excel 2003 because Outlook 2010 doesn't import from Excel 2010 format.

Look out for blog posts on this topic on our website. Thank you for your question Jim.

Doug Dunn
Best STL


MS Project tip:

Link tasks using predecessor column - project

a. First, note ID number of the task you want to link to (predecessor). Then, in the predecessor column of the task you want to link to (successor), type the predecessor task's ID number.
b. The link will be a Finish to Start (the default type).
c. Or you can add in a code for a different relationship type
i. SS = Start to Start
ii. FF = Finish to Finish
iii. SF = Start to Finish
d. You don't have to type the task ID numbers in any specific order, but you must separate multiple tasks with commas.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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