setting constraints

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Setting constraints

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2013

Kerri has attended:
Project Introduction course
Project Intermediate course

Setting constraints

I have a pre existing project plan and all I would need is to input the dates.I need to put the start date as beginning of July but it needs to end by mid September. I have so many tasks that if I set the beginning date as July the end date will go into 2015. Is there a way I can set a constraints where the dates will automatically set within a certain time period or is this something I will have to create manually ?

Doug that you for replying to my last question. If someone can help me i'd be very grateful.

RE: Setting constraints

Hi Kerri

Thank you for your question.
Unfortunately there isn't a way to set the start and end dates and get the software to distribute the tasks within the deadline you set.

In auto-schedule mode the software will position tasks based on the logic of each connection.

In manual scheduling mode tasks stay on the dates you set - so you could drag them to the correct positions on the chart rather than rely on links to drive them.

you can change the setting for a tasks (or a group of highlighted tasks) by going to the Task ribbon and clicking either Auto Scheduled or Manual.

You can change the default behaviour for all new tasks in your project by clicking on the New Tasks button in the status bar of the Project Window (lower left corner) and choosing either manual or automatic.

I hope this helps. Incidentally if you are looking to move your project forward or back you can use the Move project button on the Project ribbon. This has the advantage of preserving your slack by updating your constraint dates to keep them aligned with your new project start date.

Kind regards,

Mon 30 Jun 2014: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Autofit column width – Project (all versions)

At the top of the columns where each column name is located (Task Name, Duration, etc.), hover over the vertical column line which you want to move.

A short bold vertical line will appear, with horizontal arrows pointing left and right.

Left click and hold this icon and it will permit you to grab the column line, allowing you to move it left or right to your desired location.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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