ms project turn off

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MS Project: Turn off task bars at various levels? | MS-Project forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Fiona has attended:
Project Introduction course
Project Intermediate course

MS Project: Turn off task bars at various levels?

Is it possible to easily turn off the task bars on certain outline levels?
i.e I have task 1. is a heading, task 1.1 a sub heading. I dont want to see the task bar for these, nor roll up.
Task 1.1.1 is my 'actual' task that I want to see a bar for.

RE: MS Project: Turn off task bars at various levels?

Hi Fiona,

Thank you for your question and welcome to the forum.

Go to the Format tab and choose Format and then Bar Styles. Select Summary task, and choose the blank option in the Start, Middle and End boxes. THis will hide the black summary bars from the Gantt chart.

Alternatively, on the Format Tab and Show and Hide group, uncheck the box for summary tasks. This will then hide the summary text and bars.

I hope this answers your questions.




MS Project tip:

Gantt Charts

Gantt Charts was first Invented by Henry Gantt (1861-1919) while planning the construction of U.S. Navy ships during WWI.hence the name Gantt Charts

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