anthony dreamweaver

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Anthony - DreamWeaver

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version CS3

Anthony - DreamWeaver

Hi Anthony,

I hope you are well.
I have been putting together our company website. On our portfolio page i have been using the spry collapsible panels so that you see the description of the job and then you click on it to drop down the pictures.
Everytime i add a new collapsible panel for a different job, the last image i add to each job changes the image to the collapsible panel above. In the all the end all the collapsible panels are identical with the same jobs. How can i make it so that each collapsible panel is diiferent to show all the different jobs.

The Dreamweaver i am using is CS5.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards


RE: Anthony - DreamWeaver

Hi Kirsty, good to hear from you again and well done on progressing with the company website. I can't troubleshoot the panels themselves with out seeing them for myself but I have two bits of advice.

First, don't build one great big series of collapsible panels - it sounds like something is going on with either an update command or the CSS of the Spry widget - but first insert a table and put each separate collapsible pane into a cell of its own, so it isn't dependent on any other panel. I would be very surprised if this doesn't solve the problem and if it doesn't try pressing F5 on your keyboard to refresh the browser, there might be something going on with your cache.

Second, if all else fails, ditch the Spry collapsible panels and build your own version. Remember in class we attached an OnClick event to pictures so they could appear and disappear. If you can't get the panels to play ball I'd definitely think about going down this route. It's not difficult to put together and you'll have a lot more control over it in the long run. Above all, keep everything as simple as possible and test it out on as many different computers and browsers as possible.

Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on!



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