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Access 2007 VBA Coding and Backward Compatibility | Access forum

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

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Access 2007 VBA Coding and Backward Compatibility


Using Access 2007/Windows 7, I'm at the beginning of developing a very small trial database to build up my confidence.

One question I omitted to ask on my recent Access 2007 courses was:

If I eventually understood enough about Access to want to begin exploring the use of VBA code with the program, if I authored the database in Access 2007 and included Access 2007 VBA codes within the saved version, but that version was saved as an Access 97-2003 file for portability and compatibility reasons, would the Access 2007 code work fully on the older machines?

Many thanks for your assistance


Martin Parker

RE: Access 2007 VBA Coding and Backward Compatibility

Hi Martin

Thanks for your question

Generally you should have no problems. There is some functionality in Access 2007 that is new, but if your code avoids this then you should be fine.
One problem that sometimes occurs is that the code needs to be recompiled to run in other versions of Access. If this happens (you will get a run time error saying that it doesn't recognise a reference), simply cut the code, paste it back in and then save the module again.




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