financial reports

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Financial reports

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2013

Steve has attended:
Project Intermediate course

Financial reports

Are there any reports to give you cost breakdowns by the codes that you input for them? As account code break downs may be useful!

RE: Financial reports

Hi Steve

Yes you can create a custom report that includes the Code field from the Resource sheet.

For example in the project example we used on training 'Rollout Complete' you can create a cash flow dashboard report which includes the Code field and groups costs by Code.

Rather than edit an existing dashboard go to
File, Organizer and select the Reports tab. This allows you to copy the Cash Flow report to current project Rollout Complete and give it a different name say 'Cash Flow by Cost Code'.

Select the Close button in the Organizer and then there will be a copy of Cash Flow in Reports, Custom.

Editing the Report

View the Cash Flow by Cost Code report then click inside the table below the graph. As with Excel Pivot Tables you can add additional fields.

Select Resources at the top
Expand Other Fields
Click on Code

To reposition drag the Code field up so it appears after Name

Change the Level to 2

Group by Code if you wish.

Hope this helps. We didn't have time to look in detail at Reports on the training session.

Best STL

Attached files...

Cash Flow by Code.docx

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

Notice: This is an automated message. Due to inactivity, this forum post will be marked as 'resolved' if there are no further responses in the next 5 days.

Thu 12 Nov 2015: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Link tasks using predecessor column - project

a. First, note ID number of the task you want to link to (predecessor). Then, in the predecessor column of the task you want to link to (successor), type the predecessor task's ID number.
b. The link will be a Finish to Start (the default type).
c. Or you can add in a code for a different relationship type
i. SS = Start to Start
ii. FF = Finish to Finish
iii. SF = Start to Finish
d. You don't have to type the task ID numbers in any specific order, but you must separate multiple tasks with commas.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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