multiple bars one line

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Multiple bars on one line in the Gannt Chart | MS-Project forum

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2013

Hannah has attended:
Project Intermediate course

Multiple bars on one line in the Gannt Chart

Hi there,

I'm trying to show multiple bars on one line in the Gannt Chart. I'm aware that there isn't a standard way of doing this so I have tried inserting two new columns (Start 2 and Finish 2) to add an additional bar to one row. However, this doesn't seem to be showing up on the Gannt.

Is there any reason for this and/or can you provide a way of being able to show two tasks on one line?


RE: Multiple bars on one line in the Gannt Chart

Hi Hannah

Great to hear from you - thank you for posting your question. You are nearly there with the fields you are using. The next step is to add formatting that will draw between start 2 and finish 2 on your Gantt Chart. Go to the Format Ribbon and choose Format > Format Bars

Scroll to the end of the list in the dialogue box and start a new line. Choose a name that is customer facing as the text you enter here will appear on the Legend when you print your chart. Set the formatting you would like under Appearance and the formatting to appear for Normal tasks. Finally use the from & to fields to specify your start2 and finish 2 fields. OK out of the dialogue.

Now Project will draw bars for these dates for any task there the values have been set. I hope this makes sense - let me know how you get on!

Kind regards,


MS Project tip:

Change default view – Project 2010

a. In Project, click on the File tab
b. Select General from left hand side (this should be the screen displayed by default)
c. Set the Default view dropdown box to your chosen option
d. Click OK to apply your changes

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