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Why Very Small Businesses Benefit from Microsoft Project Training Seminars
Wed 9th May 2007
There are many people in the UK who are leaving behind the daily grind of corporate life and striking out on their own. Some of these businesses might be as small as one person working from his kitchen table in a bathrobe. These micro-business owners might think that project management software is unnecessary, but a Microsoft Project training seminar can help their business run more profitably.
Run a tight ship
One of the primary reasons small businesses fail is a lack of discipline and direction. Business owners have vague ideas of goals, but goals are useless without concrete plans on how to reach them.
For example, a business owner wants to make enough money to be self sufficient. A Microsoft Project training seminar teaches the owner to turn that fuzzy idea into something more substantial. How much money is needed to be considered self sufficient? When should that goal be reached? How will the business grow to meet that goal?
This quantification of time and money is a critical tool for the private consultant. New clients want cost and time estimates, and an inaccurate estimate can be costly. Estimate too low and you get an angry customer when the bill comes much higher than the estimate. Estimate too high and you might find yourself turning away work thinking you don't have enough time for it. Project estimation is much easier with the skills learned in a Microsoft Project training seminar.
Work expands to fill the time
Many small business owners allow the work to dictate the schedule, which is the wrong way around. For example, let's say a person is given a task with a three-day deadline and completes it. If the same person is given the same task but a four-day deadline, often the task will take four days. We naturally adjust our speed to meet the deadline which is an inefficient use of the time.
Using the techniques learned in a Microsoft Project training seminar, small business owners learn to let schedule dictate the work. By assigning tasks to the schedule and rigidly observing self-imposed project deadlines, many owners find that they suddenly have more time than they thought.
Using the example above, a business owner using the skills from a Microsoft Project training seminar would schedule the four-day task. It would be clear that only three days of work would be needed. By scheduling additional projects into the excess hours, the owner can now complete the task at full speed without wasted time.
A Microsoft Project training seminar might lead to a new career
Project management skills are in great demand in the UK. Many businesses are struggling and need an outside consultant to help them get organised. A Microsoft Project training seminar might not only save your own business but could open up a new opportunity for a career. Start your own project management consultancy and let your new knowledge get others back on the right track.
Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on a microsoft project training seminar, please see information located at
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Frankham Consultancy Group Limited Trainee Building Surveyor Kayleigh Barnard Excel Intermediate
Great course, learnt lots
Camurus Regional Lead Barry Evans Excel Introduction
The session in the morning I could have been spread over a full days training, with more opportunity to practice and for any correction of areas of difficulty. I never had ICT training at school and have self learnt with little use of Excel previously. This was aimed at a novice level and was too fast paced.
The Queens Club Gym Manager John MacGranthin Multiple applications
Found the course very useful. it also filled in the gaps of my knowledge and improved my future usage of outlook and office
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