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resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2013

Courtney has attended:
Project Introduction course
Project Intermediate course
Project Advanced course



I need to find out how I can get the gant chart to fit on the same page as the task list regardless to the length of the project. At present I get the task lists separate and then the gant chart on following pages so its very hard to relate the gant to the actual task unless I tape all the pages together which is not going to happen.

Are you able to help?

RE: Project

Hi Courtney

Thank you for your question.
Yes it can be a struggle to get everything on one page. First question is how many columns are you displaying on the table side of the print out? The fewer columns the easier it will be to fit everything onto the same page.

Next is the zoom level of the chart. This depends on the detail you need to show but you might want to go to the view tab - and click the button to zoom to entire sheet. Project will shrink the plan until both the start and end dates are visible.

One other approach is to get columns repeating on each sheet you print. This is handy if the chart needs to be bigger than one page - but you need to see the columns on every page printed.

From the File menu click Print then follow the link to page setup. On the view tab you could set the first three columns (for example) to repeat on every page.

Do any of these help at all? Let me know how you get on and if you have any other questions.

Kind regards,

Wed 26 Mar 2014: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Autofit column width – Project (all versions)

At the top of the columns where each column name is located (Task Name, Duration, etc.), hover over the vertical column line which you want to move.

A short bold vertical line will appear, with horizontal arrows pointing left and right.

Left click and hold this icon and it will permit you to grab the column line, allowing you to move it left or right to your desired location.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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