hi andrew urgent recurring

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HI Andrew Urgent! Recurring Tasks

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2013

Natalie has attended:
Project Introduction course
Project Intermediate course

HI Andrew Urgent! Recurring Tasks

Hi Andrew,

I am trying to set up a recurring task that has two sub tasks. The Sub tasks are a 1 hour meeting and 3 hour prep, when I set it up and click away from it, Project changes the times I have typed into duration to more than 3/1 hours. I don't understand why project keeps changing what i have typed in?

Also when i allocate a resource to the task Project shows they are doing 8 hours instead of 3/1 hours per recurring task. I'm Stuck!!

Please help,

RE: HI Andrew Urgent! Recurring Tasks

Hi Natalie

Thank you for your question. One thing to bear in mind is that the recurring task feature is a very simple tool to save you having to create lots of repetetive tasks by hand.

You might find it works better if you create two independent recurring tasks - one for the preparation, the other for the meeting.

Also you will need ot assign resources to the the sub tasks (rather than the rolled up tasks summaries). You may find the assign resources button on the resources ribbon useful as it allows you to assign a resource to more than one task at a time.

Let me know how you get on and if this resolves the problems you have encountered.

Kind regards,

Will be marked as resolved in 5 days

Notice: This is an automated message. Due to inactivity, this forum post will be marked as 'resolved' if there are no further responses in the next 5 days.

Fri 15 Aug 2014: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Entering Days

To type in a day of the week, or its three letter abbreviation, in a Date field type "Monday" or "Mon", and Project will show the date for the next Monday after the current date.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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