ms project integration macbook

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MS Project integration with a Macbook Air | MS-Project forum

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2007

Josephine has attended:
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MS Project integration with a Macbook Air

How does MS Project integrate with a Macbook Air?

RE: MS Project integration with a Macbook Air

Hi Josie

There is no MS Project for the Mac though you can install Windows and run it under emulation.

One of the posts recommends VMWare's Fusion... I've had no problems running Windows software under emulation.

Another post said...
If you just want to manage projects and occasionally read MS Project files, then the Mac applications should work for you. Merlin and Omniplan seem to be popular but there are others. While most claim to handle MS Project files, there are always limitations and sometimes problems.

There also SharePlan Pro as a project app.

Hope that helps. I'll get back if I get more information from other trainers.

Cheers for now
Best STL

Tue 18 Sep 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Link tasks using predecessor column - project

a. First, note ID number of the task you want to link to (predecessor). Then, in the predecessor column of the task you want to link to (successor), type the predecessor task's ID number.
b. The link will be a Finish to Start (the default type).
c. Or you can add in a code for a different relationship type
i. SS = Start to Start
ii. FF = Finish to Finish
iii. SF = Start to Finish
d. You don't have to type the task ID numbers in any specific order, but you must separate multiple tasks with commas.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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