zooming and settings timeline

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Zooming and settings of timeline tiers

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Frederick has attended:
Project Introduction course

Zooming and settings of timeline tiers

Hi Andrew or support team,

I have one question regarding the zooming of the project and timeline tiers. Whenever I change my zooming using + and - at the bottom right corner, the annoying thing is it automatically changes your timeline tiers to different periods and values (months, quarters, 3-4 weeks, etc.) I would like to set the timeline to middle and bottom tier only with Months and Days. Months interval sets to 1, would like Days interval variable according to my zooming. Is it possible?
Currently I am double-clicking the timeline and manually changing days interval to change my zoom and it is time consuming. Please advise.


RE: Zooming and settings of timeline tiers

Hi Fred

It is a bit time consuming to set a specific zoom level.
What might help is to record a macro at least to reset back to Months and Day both at interval 1.

You can then assign the macro to a button on the Quick Access toolbar (or to a shortcut key).

To record a macro:
Select View, Macros, Record Macro
Name it something like ZoomSet (not Zoom as that is a name already used by Project)
Add a shortcut key such as Ctrl+m for months

Double click on the Timescale and set the middle tier to months interval 1, bottom tier to days interval 1.
Press ok
Select View, Macros, Stop Recording

This is a global macro so you will be able to press Ctrl+m in any project to reset the zoom level.

To add a button to your Quick Access toolbar:
Right click on the Quick Access toolbar
Choose Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
Select Macros from the 'Choose Commands from' list
Select ZoomSet and press the Add button
Select Modify... to choose a different icon

Hope that helps. Unfortunately pressing + and - on the bottom zoom slider wont work with this method but it still saves a bit of time.

Doug Dunn
Best STL

Thu 30 Aug 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Format individual bars on your GANTT chart

To draw attention to a bar on your Gantt chart simply double click it. From the dialogue box that opens make your selection of text and bar modifications.

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