conditional formatting cell base

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Conditional formatting on cell based on start date | MS-Project forum

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Edited on Tue 21 Aug 2012, 10:43

Matthew has attended:
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Project Intermediate course

Conditional formatting on cell based on start date

Hi There,

i am wondering if it is possible to use conditonal formatting or something similar in Project 2010, that will amend a task name a different colour if the start day of the task is less than 5 days away from current calender date?

This would be really helpful in this huge project plan i have?


RE: conditional formatting on cell based on start date

Thank you for your question.

Thank you for your question.
As far as I am aware, the Task Name cannot be used to change colour automatically based on a condition. This would require some VBA programming.

However you can use Graphical Indicators. This would put an icon in a new column against each task that shows whether the start day of the task is less than 5 days from the Current Date.
Here is how you would do it.

1. Go to the Project Tab
2. Choose Custom Fields
3. Choose Text Data Type from the top right.
4. Select Text 1 and click Rename and give it a relevant name.
5. Choose formula and copy the line below into the box:

This formula says if the Task Start date is less than the current date - 5days, assign 1 otherwise assign 2. Click OK when it prompts about ‘existing data in field will be deleted…’

6. Click on Graphical Indicators and choose Equals in the first Test box, then type 1 in the value box and then an icon that will represent any task start dates that are less than 5 days from the current date.

7. On the next row repeat the equal, type 2 as the value and then a different icon.

8. Finally, insert the column which represents the custom field you created.

I hope this answers your question.



Tue 28 Aug 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Typing Links Between Tasks

In the Entry table, use the Precessors column to type in links. Type the previous task's ID to link. To change the link, add FS (Finish-Start), FF (Finish-Finish), and so on, and + duration to add a Lag, or - duration for a Lead time. Example: for task 5, 4FS+1w ... task 4 preceeds task 5, finish to start, with a week lag between.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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