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MS Access can promote teamwork
Fri 29th May 2009
However, MS Access 2007 has a host of features that can bring your team together to ensure that your current campaigns run smoothly. The software allows you to upload a vast amount of important information that you wish to share with your colleagues and clients. From the latest sales figures, to expenses forms and much more, you can share details easily and quickly in a variety of forms.
This programme acts like an extension of MS Excel, which sees the speedy creation of spreadsheets. The advantage of MS Access is that you can bring in a variety of information that is viewable by your fellow workers.
For instance, in addition to tables bearing information, you can attach photos and spreadsheets to documents, all of which can give a clearer picture of your current projects. Included is a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) option that gives you an accurate portrayal of the look of your databases as you build them. This can prove useful because it provides you with instant feedback regarding your document and may help you tailor individual databases to different divisions within your business.
Once you have built your databases it is possible to keep your colleagues updated via a variety of tools. For instance you may like to split databases into different, viewable sections, meaning tables are stored in one area and other information, such as photos is stored in another. This method of sharing information allows colleagues to get a clear picture of information while also being able to alter and add to data you have inputted.
Additionally, special network folders can be created if only several other computer users are likely to view your documents. This option is straightforward and gives your colleagues the option to look at all the information in one place. Another facility that can help to bring virtual teams together is Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. This software boosts communication among teams as it boasts a server that can be used on an intranet or the internet.
The platform is designed so you can upload databases to the server via MS Access. Colleagues can then view your reports and they can make their own adjustments to data if you have authorised this. SharePoint helps provide a central bank of vital information that is viewable over web browsers by many people.
Another way to keep workmates informed on current campaigns with MS Access is by using a data base server.
This method involves information being uploaded to a separate database that can be shared by many users. The major advantage to this system is that growing companies can ensure that their enlarging workforce can be kept informed concerning the business. MS Access upsizing wizards can help you integrate reports and tables on to server databases in order to publish important information.
You can be confident of the security of your documents created in MS Access, as the programme features protected files. When publishing data through other servers, such as SharePoint, you as the administrator have control over who can view and change reports, while those using MS Access in conjunction with database servers are likely to find they can create secure user accounts.
Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on access training, please visit https://www.stl-training.co.uk
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