access vba courses in london - creating median averages access

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access vba courses in london - Creating Median Averages in Access Querys | Access forum

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Neil has attended:
Access Advanced course

Creating Median Averages in Access Querys

Can you advise how it is possible to create a summary query/ crosstab summary with median averages of each criteria as opposed to the standard mean average?

many thanks Neil

RE: Creating Median Averages in Access Querys

Hi Neil, Thanks for the post, In response to your question; Although =Median(number,number,etc) is available as a Function in Excel, I am not aware of this operation being available as opposed to the standard average function in Access.
This may be possible in Access using VBA or SQL, but I will pass it to my more knowledgeable colleagues to respond to this.

Note: A median number is one at the numerical midpoint between the highest and lowest in a series, eg, something in the middle: 7 is the median between 5 and 9. Mean means midpoint but is also an average of all the numbers in a series: of 5, 7, 8, 8, 9, the median is 7, but the mean or average is 7.4. Sorry I cant be of more assistance; regards Pete

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