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Power Pivot

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 365

Marialena has attended:
Excel Power Query course

Power Pivot

Hi again,

I have an IF(AND(...)) statement: '= IF(AND(x>'y','y' >1,'z' <2),'y',z1 ) and i've tried to use the SWITH(TRUE()) command since i need more than 2 ifs statements but it doesn't give me the right answer because it doesnt take into account the AND part. How can I write the above command properly?


RE: Power Pivot

Hello Marialena

Thank you for your enquiry.

I believe what you need to get more than 2 conditions inside an IF function is to use && instead of AND. So your example would look like this:

= IF(x>'y' && 'y'>1 && 'z'<2,'y',z1 )

Please let me know if this solution has worked for you

Kind Regards


RE: Power Pivot

Hi Martin,

Yeah it works now in simple commands, thanks. However, it gets a bit more complicated when I want to do more calculations. For example:

= IF(MIN(IF(x>1,x,10000),IF(y>1,y,10000),IF(z>1,z,10000))=10000,0,MIN(IF(a>1,a,10000),IF(b>1,b,10000),IF(e>1,e,10000)))

In this case, I get an error with MIN. How would that be solved?


RE: Power Pivot

Hi Marialena

Thanks for your response and I'm glad the solution worked.

As for the more complex formula with the IF and MIN, it might help if you could say in plain English what you want to achieve with the formula

We look forward to hearing from you

Kind Regards


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