copypasting info tables

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Copy/pasting info in tables

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2013

Ana has attended:
Excel Advanced course

Copy/pasting info in tables

simple question but actually its quite annoying. I have a large amount of data which runs with daily inputs from the 1/1/17- 31/12/18. Then, I have to paste on the 1st of each month the budget for that month, for which I use a filter to show only the 1st of each month of both 2017 & 2018. It's then here where I have problems to paste the info, as it doesn't paste in the "filtered cells", i tried values.. - any tip would be great! :)

RE: copy/pasting info in tables

Hi Ana

If I'm understanding correctly, you would like to paste the result of the filters only?
Pasting as values only removes formatting and pastes the results of the formula.

What version of Excel are you using?
In 2016, you should be able to highlight the cells (NOT the rows or columns) and copy and paste.

If this isn't working, I'd recommend trying an advanced filter to copy the result of the filter of onto another set of blank cells.

To use an advanced filter, you will need a set of cells that you would type in to tell the filter what your criteria is.

If you go to Data > Advanced Filter, a box will open where you could filter in place or copy to another cell. Select the second option.
Your list area would be your database INCLUDING headings. This is important.
The criteria would be the set of cells that tell the filter what you're looking for. This has to include the headings from the database so that the filter knows what columns to look at.
Copy to will allow you to select a cell that you can copy the results of the filter to.

I have attached a workbook to show you how the criteria field would look like.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards

Kind regards

Attached files...

Advanced Filter.xlsx

Thu 23 Nov 2017: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

View a unique list

You have a column with hundreds of entries, and you need to see what unique items are entered in it. Select any cell in that column, hold down Alt and press the down arrow: Excel produces an alphabetically-sorted list of unique entries in that column.

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