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Copy previous record to the next Access Function | Access forum

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2013

Copy previous record to the next Access Function

Hi, I need to copy previous years to the next blank fields in Access:

I have found the Function code below, but I have no idea how to recall this function in a query. Please could anyone help?

Function CopyFieldRecords(Test_Table As String, HRYear As String) As Boolean

Dim db As Database
Dim rec As Recordset
Dim vCopyDown As Variant
CopyFieldRecords = True
On Error GoTo err_copyrecords

vCopyDown = Null
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM [" & Test_Table & "]")
While Not rec.EOF
'If the field isn't blank then use this to copy down
If Nz(rec(HRYear), "") <> "" Then
vCopyDown = rec(HRYear)
'Only if we have something to copy down
If Nz(vCopyDown, "") <> "" Then
rec(HRYear) = vCopyDown
End If
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox Error, vbCritical, "Copy Fields Down Records"
CopyFieldRecords = False
GoTo exit_copyrecords

End Function

RE: Copy previous record to the next Access Function

Hi Elsa,

Thank you for the forum question.

This function cannot be called from a query but must be called from a VBA sub procedure. IT can be done using DAO or ADO.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
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RE: Copy previous record to the next Access Function

Thanks Jens for your reply. I have tried to call CopyFieldRecords from a form load sub VBA, however I got an error message 'Compile error: Argument not optional'. Have I missed anything please?

RE: Copy previous record to the next Access Function

Hi Elsa,

Do you pass the arguments Test_Table and HRYear to the function from the sub?

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
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98%+ recommend us

London's leader with UK wide delivery in Microsoft Office training and management training to global brands, FTSE 100, SME's and the public sector

RE: Copy previous record to the next Access Function

Hi Jens, please could you give me an idea how to pass the arguments to the function from the sub?

RE: Copy previous record to the next Access Function

HI Elsa,

Test_Table HRYear is the name of the table where you want the function to do some thing HRyear is the year.

the example below is a very simple function which calculate age. The function is called from the sub and the result will be shown in a message box.

Sub callFunction()

MsgBox age(#12/12/2000#)

End Sub

Function age(DateOfBirth)

age = Int((Date - DateOfBirth) / 365.25)

End Function

Create a sub procedure in the module with the function. Inside the sub type CopyFieldRecords("the name of your table", "the year you want").

Run the sub in a COPY of your database. I do not know how your tables are build and VBA can be very powerful and do a lot of damage if it is not correct.

Kind regards

Jens Bonde
Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

Tel: 0207 987 3777
Best STL -
98%+ recommend us

London's leader with UK wide delivery in Microsoft Office training and management training to global brands, FTSE 100, SME's and the public sector

RE: Copy previous record to the next Access Function

Thanks Jens! It's now resolved!


Access tip:

Remove spaces in a table

If you have a table that has too many space marks littered around, you can create a update query and use the trim function to get rid of any excess space marks

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