pasting error please

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Pasting error - please help!

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2007

Aniko has attended:
Project Introduction course

Pasting error - please help!

Hi, I am trying to paste a project, which is a part of our bigger plan into a collection of projects in MS Projects with the 2007 version in use. The projects in the collection are not dependent on each other, therefore this should be a simple copy and paste task, but I am getting and error message on each line reading " a pasting error occurred on ID (line number) in the Project Priority column(or in Size column). I do not know what to do to be able to remedy this and paste the required information into the bigger plan. Please help.

Thank you


RE: Pasting error - please help!

Hi Aniko

Thank you for your question.
There could be a couple of things that are causing this.

Rather than copy and paste could you might want to go to the Insert menu and choose Project. This will let you browse for the project plan you would like to add to your main project and will then insert it.

Alternatively check when you are copying your rows that you are highlighting the row numbers (so Project selects all the data for each task) before you copy. When you paste into the main project click in the furthers left cell of the row you would like to populate before closing paste.

Let me know if these help or if you are still running into problems.

Kind regards,

RE: Pasting error - please help!

Hi Andrew,

Thank you so much for the reply. I have tried both and neither worked. I am not sure what is wrong with it at all.


RE: Pasting error - please help!

Hi Aniko

Thanks for letting me know - OK another thing to check. Is it possible that columns are being crossed over so that numbers (or text) are going into date columns or the other way around?

Is the priority column visible on one project and not the other one? If so values could be being pasted into the wrong columns.

A good plan would be to try out copying tasks then pasting into a blank project to troubleshoot where the problem might be.

Let me know how you get on.

Kind regards,

Thu 27 Aug 2015: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Formatting Bar Text

To display notes or resource initials on the Gantt chart bars, choose Format, Bar Styles and the Text tab. Select the position you want to show the text i.e. Top or Inside etc, then choose the field name you are looking for from the drop down arrow. Type the first letter of the name to get quickly to the top of the letter range. Click OK.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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