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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2013

Lisa has attended:
Project Intermediate course


How to put 'current day line' on legend?

RE: Legends

Hi Lisa

Thank you for your question - to achieve this we are going to have to cheat the appearance of the legend.

I am not sure of a way to add the current day line to the legend within project. This is because the legend elements are drawn from the Bar Styles dialogue box (Format Ribbon > Bar Styles). Any style without an asterisk at the start of its name will appear in the legend. The current date line is not set from this dialogue box which is why it doesn't appear in the legend. All is not entirely lost however...

In the format ribbon click Bar Styles and scroll to the first empty row. Create a new style using the term you prefer such as "current day line" then continue along the row and create format that matches the appearance of your real date line (you can choose a thinner line type so it looks different to the other task elements). Finally in the next volume set the "Show for...tasks" setting to refer to a field you are not currently using - e.g. Flag 20

Now the legend will have an item called "current day line". It is not actually driven by your date line but no one will know from the print out. I hope this helps. Let me know how you get on.
Kind regards,

RE: Legends

Hi Andrew,

Brilliant - works perfectly. Thanks very much. I wasn't able to work that out for myself.

Best regards

Fri 20 Mar 2015: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Avoid Accidental Constraints

The initial default table is the Entry table. Enter a task name and duration, but do not enter start or finish dates. Form the plan using links, predecessors. Typing dates introduces constraints. To remove these constraints, double click on a task, and on the Advanced page of Task Information set the constraint back to As Soon As Possible (all other options are there too.)

View all MS Project hints and tips

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