wbs codes

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WBS Codes

resolvedResolved · Medium Priority · Version 2010

Mercilina has attended:
Project Introduction course
Excel Intermediate course

WBS Codes

How do we set up WBS codes and when do we need to set them.

RE: WBS Codes

Hi Mercilina

Thank you for your question! Apologies for the delay but Happy New Year!

In Project you can turn on outline numbers by going to the format tab and switching on Outline Number

The WBS code works in a similar way but you can customise the formatting of the numbers Project generates.

To start insert the WBS Column. You can do this by right clicking on a column like Task Name and choosing insert column then choosing WBS

You will see that the WBS outline is the same as the number outline.

Next we will customise the formatting of the WBS. From the Project Ribbon choose WBS then select Define Code

If the WBS code format we are using for our projects is something like

Where the PRJ- remains the same but the rest increments we can add the following

Type PRJ- into the Project Code Prefix box
Within the code mask part of the dialog box click just below Sequence to add the first level. Our format uses a capital letter so from the list choose “Uppercase Letters (ordered), Length Any, Separator /

Add a second level set to Numbers ordered, Length Any, Separator . (dot)

Add the same again for the third level
Numbers ordered, Length Any, Separator . (dot)

You should now find that the WBS field shows the correct sequence, beginning with the prefix and correctly incrementing letters, numbers and separators.

I hope this helps - do let us know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,


MS Project tip:

Email a Task

When you need to communicate important information to your project staff use Microsoft Project 2003 to send them a note using outlook or an e-mail system.

1.In a task sheet, select the task or tasks which you want to send a project note.

2.On the File menu, point to Send To, and then select Mail Recipient (as Schedule Note).

3.Under Address message to, select the recipients of your note.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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