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Microsoft Project

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Linda has attended:
Project Intro Intermediate course

Microsoft Project

In training recently for example we set up resources for say 1 Project Manager with Max. Units at 100% and 2 Project Assistants as a single resource but with Max. Units set to 200%.

Working in the Gantt chart view with the window split. When assigning these resources to a task with 'EFFORT DRIVEN' ticked, the task duration halves when both Project Manager and Project Assistant resources are assigned but, when I change the Units on the Project Assistants resource to 200% this does not further reduce the task duration. If there is effectively 1 project manager and 2 project assistants (not one) assigned to the task, why is the task duration not decreased by 2 thirds say?

RE: Microsoft Project

Hi Linda

Good question!

Project doesn't recalculate the duration when there are a mixture of resources and you increase the % Units of one of them. As in your example a Project Manager and a Project Assistant and you increase from 100% to 200% for the Project Assistant.

The way round is to remove the Project Assistant in the Details pane. Then after pressing Ok assign the Project Assistant again this time as 200%.

The task duration then recalculates to be a third of the original duration.

Hope that helps Linda.


Doug Dunn
Best STL

Thu 30 Aug 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Format individual bars on your GANTT chart

To draw attention to a bar on your Gantt chart simply double click it. From the dialogue box that opens make your selection of text and bar modifications.

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