access vba

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Access VBA

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Louise has attended:
Access Advanced course
Access VBA course
Excel Pivot Tables course

Access VBA

I have inherited some VBA code and am trying to put it into 1 if statement (code below). Is this possible?

' change colour background on gad score 0

If Me.GAD71ScoreTotal = 0 Then

Me.GAD71Score0.BackColor = vbBlue

ElseIf Me.GAD71ScoreTotal = 1 Then
Me.GAD71Score0.BackColor = vbWhite

ElseIf Me.GAD71ScoreTotal = 2 Then
Me.GAD71Score0.BackColor = vbWhite

ElseIf Me.GAD71ScoreTotal = 3 Then
Me.GAD71Score0.BackColor = vbWhite

End If

'change colour background on gad score 1

If Me.GAD71ScoreTotal = 1 Then

Me.GAD71Score1.BackColor = vbBlue

ElseIf Me.GAD71ScoreTotal = 0 Then
Me.GAD71Score1.BackColor = vbWhite

ElseIf Me.GAD71ScoreTotal = 2 Then
Me.GAD71Score1.BackColor = vbWhite

ElseIf Me.GAD71ScoreTotal = 3 Then
Me.GAD71Score1.BackColor = vbWhite

End If

RE: Access VBA

Hi Louise, thanks for your query. I would use the Select Case expression to achieve this. More information here:

Hope this helps,


Wed 6 Jun 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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Remove spaces in a table

If you have a table that has too many space marks littered around, you can create a update query and use the trim function to get rid of any excess space marks

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