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Access VBA Basics Training Course
Microsoft Access Intro Intermediate (all versions)
Face to face / Online closed & onsite training. Restaurant lunch included at STL venues.
- 2 days Instructor-led
Who is this course for?
Advanced users of Microsoft Access responsible for managing very large and variable amounts of data, or teams, who want to learn how to program features and functions to improve the accessibility and usability of their data.
A high proficiency of Microsoft Access is essential, or completion of our Microsoft Access Advanced course.
- At the end of the course the delegate will have covered the fundamentals of VBA, including working with procedures and functions, understanding objects, using expressions, variables and intrinsic functions.
- They will have mastered how to control program execution, working with forms and controls, working with the PivotTable object.
- Finally the course also includes modules on debugging code, handling errors to ensure minimal downtime while building and effecting the program.
Course Syllabus
Getting Started
Introduction to access programming
Understanding the development environment
Using VB help
Developing with Procedures and Functions
Understanding and creating modules
Defining procedures
Creating a sub-procedure
Calling procedures
Utilising the immediate window to call procedures
Making and naming a function procedure
Working using the code editor
Understanding Objects
Understanding classes and objects
Navigating the Access object hierarchy
Understanding collections
Using the object browser
Working with the application object
Understanding the form object
Working with properties
Using the with statement
Working with methods
Understanding the DoCmd object
Working with events
Understanding the order of events
Utilising Intrinsic Functions, Variables and Expressions
Defining expressions and statements
How to declare variables
Determining data types
Programming with variable scope
Harnessing intrinsic functions
Defining constants and using intrinsic constants
Adding message boxes and using input boxes
How to declare and use object variables
Controlling Program Execution
Understanding control-of-flow structures
Working with boolean expressions
Using the if...end if decision structures
Using the select case...end select structure
Using the for...next structure
Using the for each...next structure
Using the do...loop structure
Guidelines for use of branching structures
Working with Recordsets
Declaring and creating object variables
Working with the ADODB recordset object
Specifying a recordset cursor type
Locking records for updating
Specifying a recordset cursor location - optional
Using the cache size property - optional
Understanding recordset cursor properties - optional
Debugging the Code
Defining errors
Working with debugging tools
Determining breakpoints
How to step through code
Working with break mode during run mode
Identifying the value of expressions
Handling Errors
Understanding error handling
Understanding VBA's error trapping options
Trapping errors with the on error statement
Understanding the error object
Writing an error handling routine
Working with inline error handling
What you get
"What do I get on the day?"
Arguably, the most experienced and highest motivated trainers.
Face-to-face training

Training is held in our modern, comfortable, air-conditioned suites.
Modern-spec IT, fully networked with internet access
Lunch, breaks and timing
A hot lunch is provided at local restaurants near our venues:
- Bloomsbury
- Limehouse
Courses start at 9:30am.
Please aim to be with us for 9:15am.
Browse the sample menus and view joining information (how to get to our venues).
Available throughout the day:
- Hot beverages
- Clean, filtered water
- Biscuits
Online training

Regular breaks throughout the day.
Learning tools

In-course handbook
Contains unit objectives, exercises and space to write notes
Reference material
Available online. 100+ pages with step-by-step instructions
24 months access to Microsoft trainers
Your questions answered on our support forum.
Training formats & Services
Training Formats & Services
Training formats available
Paul B
Knew the subject matter, had good exercises to do and also good practices.
Access VBA
Meridian ISE
Andrew S
Very good. Trainer able to give very useful help on real world issues.
Access VBA
Markel International
Christopher Nicholls,
Very good course just pitched at the right level for my requirements
Access VBA
Learn all about Procedures, Functions, and Objects in our VBA Basics Training Courses for MS Access. Three levels are available: Introduction, Intermediate and Advanced.
This basics course teaches control program execution, forms and working with the PivotTable object - a popular unit among most of our course attendees.
Training manual sample
Below are some extracts from our Access training manuals.
Visual Basic for Applications or VBA is a development
environment built into the Microsoft Officeã
Suite of products.
VBA is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language. It
works by manipulating objects. In
the programs are objects.
In Access worksheets, tables, forms, reports and queries are
also objects.
In VBA the object is written first
I’m fixing house number 42 =
House 42 Fix
English .noun .noun .verb
VBA .object .child object .meth
When working in VBA tell Access exactly what to do. Don’t assume anything.
Title bar, Menu bar and Standard
toolbar |
The centre of the Visual basic environment. The menu bar and toolbar can be hidden of
customized. Closing this window closes
the program.
Project Explorer |
Provides an organized view of the files and components
belonging to the project. If hidden the Project Explorer can be displayed by
pressing Ctrl + R
Properties Window |
Provides a way to change attributes of forms
and controls (e.g. name, colour, etc). If hidden press F4 to
Code Window |
Used to edit the Visual basic code. Press F7
and it will open an object selected in Project Explorer. Close the window with the Close
button that appears on the menu bar.
| |
If the Visual Basic
Help files are installed, by pressing F1,
a help screen displays explaining the feature that is currently active:
Alternatively use the Ask a Question
box on the menu bar to as a quick way to find help on a topic.
To close the Visual
Basic Editor use one of the following:
the File menu; select Close and Return to Microsoft Access
Alt + Q
Procedure is a term that refers to a unit of code created to perform a specific task. In Access, procedures are stored in objects called Modules.
Standard modules can be used to store procedures that are
available to all objects in your application
Within a project you can create as many standard modules as
required. You should store related
procedures together within the same module.
Standard modules are also used to declare global variables
and constants.
To create a standard module in the VB Editor:
the Properties window if necessary
the Properties window change the
name of the module
A procedure is a named set of instructions that does
something within the application.
To execute the code in a procedure you refer to it by name
from within another procedure. This is
known as Calling a procedure. When a
procedure has finished executing it returns control to the procedure from which
it was called.
There are two genera types of procedures:
Sub procedures |
perform a task and return control to the calling procedure
Function procedures |
perform a task and return a value, as well as control, to
the calling procedure
If you require 10 stages to solve a problem write 10 sub
procedures. It is easier to find errors
in smaller procedures than in a large one.
The procedures can then be called, in order, from another
There are rules and conventions that must be followed when
naming procedures in Visual Basic.
While rules must be followed or an error will result,
conventions are there as a guideline to make your code easier to follow and
The following rules must be adhered to when naming
length of the name is 255 characters
first character must be a letter
be unique within a given module
contain spaces or any of the following characters: . , @ & $ # (
) !
You should consider these naming conventions
when naming procedures:
As procedures carry out actions, begin names with a
Use the proper case for the word within the procedure
If procedures are related try and place the words that
vary at the end of the name
Following these conventions, here is an example of
procedure names:
Most Access tasks can be automated by creating
procedures. This can be done by either recording
a macro or entering the code directly into the VB Editor’s Code window.
Sub procedures have the following syntax:
[Public/Private] Sub ProcedureName ([argument list])
Statement block
End Sub |
Public indicates
procedure can be called from within other modules. It is the default setting
Private indicates
the procedure is only available to other procedures in the same module.
The Sub…End Sub
structure can be typed directly into the code window or inserted using the Add Procedure dialog box.
To create a sub procedure:
or display the module to contain the new sub procedure
in the Code window
in the Sub procedure using the relevant syntax
Type in the word Sub, followed by a
space and the Procedure name
Press Enter and VB inserts the parenthesis after the name and the End Sub
Below is an example of a basic sub procedure:
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