master project

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Master project

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Juliane has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Project Intro Intermediate course

Master project

I have created a master project by opening the resource pool and then selecting the third option creating a master file.

If I save this master file now, will project know that this is my master file tied to the resource pool? i.e. whenever I tie a new project to the resource pool will the master file add it in automatically when I open it or do I need to create a new master file each time when opening the resource pool?

also, when editing projects in the master file (levelling for instance), is this automatically updated in the individual project plans linked to the master file and the resource pool?

RE: Master project

Hi Juliane,

Thank you for your question.

As far as I am aware the answer to your first question is yes. When you open the master project it should be linked to the resource pool and will share the resources. The Master file that is created contains the sharer files(any projects that are sharing the resource pool).

The answer to the second question is yes. Any levelling of resources in master will reflect in the resource pool.

I hope this answers your question.



Fri 27 Apr 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


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