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resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2007

Grant has attended:
Project Intro Intermediate course


To monitor multiple engineering projects over time should I create a resource sheet for all personnel first and then link this to projects.

RE: Resource

Hi Grant

Welcome to the Forum and thank you for your question. Starting with the Resource Pool first makes things easier. If you populate your resource pool with your team you can connect plans and assign them accordingly.

Where you have plans already running I suggest keeping regular backups and running a test version of the resource pool and projects so you can try out links and check that the plans behave as anticipated once linked. For example you will need to look out for projects that already have resources assigned to them.

The first time you add a stand alone project to the Resource Pool that already have resources the Pool will merge those resources into its master list. It's worth double checking the Resource Pool after each connection. If a resource is called Bill in the stand alone project and William in your resource pool you will end up with two records for one person!

So to recap - back everything up. Set up a test Resource Pool and Test copy of the plan to be connected. Link it to the resource pool and check your assignments - are the correct records assigned to your tasks and are there any additional or duplicated resources that might need removing?

Let me know how you get on or if you have any other questions.

Kind regards,

RE: Resource

My task is to compile stand alone MS projects for all company products. This will involve taking some existing Engineering project plans with resources allocated, but not from a common resource pool, and adding additional department tasks and resource for complete picture.

I have compiled a common resource pool project but how can I allocate these resources to existing projects that already have resource allocated within the project without doubling up. Do I need to make a note of current resource and then remove and re allocate from the common resource pool?

Is there any benefit of consolidated projects.

Mon 6 Feb 2012: Automatically marked as resolved.


MS Project tip:

Avoid Accidental Constraints

The initial default table is the Entry table. Enter a task name and duration, but do not enter start or finish dates. Form the plan using links, predecessors. Typing dates introduces constraints. To remove these constraints, double click on a task, and on the Advanced page of Task Information set the constraint back to As Soon As Possible (all other options are there too.)

View all MS Project hints and tips

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