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Project 2010 Introduction Intermediate Training Course
Other versions available: 2013, 2007...
2 day training course - London & UK wide
Face to face / Online closed & onsite training. Restaurant lunch included at STL venues.
- 2 days Instructor-led
Who is this course for?
Our Microsoft Project 2010 Introduction & Intermediate courses are accessible for complete beginners to Microsoft Project.
A working knowledge of Windows is required, or our Microsoft Windows Introduction course. No experience of MS Project is required.
At the end of the intermediate course you will have a good working knowledge of Project basics. You will feel confident using Project and be able to define, schedule and monitor tasks using a variety of tools and views. You will also use project to help manage resources and costs; to set plans, deadlines and schedules. At this level you will be able to track your project and create and print Gantt charts and reports.Course Syllabus
Introduction to MS Project
Basic project management concepts
Project environment overview including what's new in 2010
Navigation including customising the Ribbon and Backstage View
Getting Help
Task creation and scheduling
Creating a task list
Modifying a task list
Change Highlighting
Multi-Level undo
Manual Scheduling
Structuring tasks to create an outline
Scheduling Tasks
Working with base calendars
Named calendar exceptions
Defining recurring exceptions and work weeks
Auto Scheduling
Creating task relationships
Types of task relationship
Using lag and lead times
Recurring tasks
Setting constraints
Setting deadlines
Using the critical path
Task Drivers
Working with top down planning
Inactivate tasks
Using task views
Working with the Timeline
Using calendar view
Using network diagram view
Modifying views
Modifying the Timescale, Zoom and Zoom slider
Formatting and Sharing information
Project Properties
Adding notes & hyperlinks
Copy / paste Picture
Copy / paste tasks and rows
Formatting Bars and the Gantt area
Formatting for printing
Troubleshooting printing Gantt charts
Using Background highlighting
Working with built-in reports
Managing Resources and Costs
Creating work, material and cost resources
Working with multiple calendars
Assigning resources
Effort Driven Scheduling
Task Types
Working with resource costs and fixed costs
Work contours
Working with the Team Planner
Identifying budget variance
Finalising the Plan
Reviewing the schedule
Levelling resource over-allocation
Creating baselines
Entering project progress
Viewing variance information
Analyse and adjust a schedule
Analysing schedules
Reschedule the project
Adjustment of resource schedules
Progress lines
Filters and sort
Add new columns
Working with auto filters
Applying built-in filters
Sorting and grouping data
Manage multiple projects
Consolidating and sharing projects
Resource pools: Sharing resources across projects
Leveling and reporting across multiple projects
Exchange project data
Import, export and copy data from Microsoft Excel
Enhanced copy and paste
Copy Picture
What you get
"What do I get on the day?"
Arguably, the most experienced and highest motivated trainers.
Face-to-face training

Training is held in our modern, comfortable, air-conditioned suites.
Modern-spec IT, fully networked with internet access
Lunch, breaks and timing
A hot lunch is provided at local restaurants near our venues:
- Bloomsbury
- Limehouse
Courses start at 9:30am.
Please aim to be with us for 9:15am.
Browse the sample menus and view joining information (how to get to our venues).
Available throughout the day:
- Hot beverages
- Clean, filtered water
- Biscuits
Online training

Regular breaks throughout the day.
Learning tools

In-course handbook
Contains unit objectives, exercises and space to write notes
Reference material
Available online. 100+ pages with step-by-step instructions
24 months access to Microsoft trainers
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Training formats & Services
Conran Restaurants
Y Pemberton
Enjoyed the training, feel a bit overloaded with info but think once I use it for something relevant to my job it will be fine!
Project Intro Intermediate
EMX Company Ltd
Jennifer Austin
The course ran at a very good pace and was very step by step, which I found helpful.
Project Intro Intermediate
Exchem Defence Systems Ltd
Ian B
Did what it said on the tin.
Project Intro Intermediate
The MS Project 2010 Introduction course is the best way to obtain a basic understanding of the software itself. We often find that a large portion of attendees are new to Project Management or have only been using MS Project for a short time.
Many people arrive at this page using the search term 2+day+project+2010+course+2+day. To ensure that this is the right course for your needs, visit our project overview page.
Training manual sample
Below are some extracts from our Project Intro Intermediate manual.
Basic Project Management Concepts
What is Project Management?
The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to a broad range of activities in order to meet the requirements of a particular project.
The Microsoft Project Map
The Microsoft Project Map outlines the three phases of the project life cycle:
- Build a plan
- Track and manage a project
- Close a project
Project Triangle
All projects involve time, money, and scope. Change one and the others are impacted. At the centre of the triangle is Quality - affected by any change in the other three.
PRINCE2 stand for (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) and is a process-based method for effective project management.
PRINCE2 projects have the following characteristics -
- A finite and defined life cycle
- Defined and measurable business products
- A corresponding set of activities to achieve the business products
- A defined amount of resources
- An organisation structure, with defined responsibilities, to manage the project
PRINCE2 offers best practice guidance on project management and has the following features:
Its focus on business justification
A defined organisation structure for the project management team
Its product-based planning approach
Its emphasis on dividing the project into manageable and controllable stages
Its flexibility to be applied at a level appropriate to the project.
First released as Microsoft Project V1 in early 1990 the software has grown into a rich application designed to help Project Managers:
List and group the tasks that together will lead to the desired Project outcome
Identify and assign the resources required to their respective tasks
Use dependencies between tasks plus constraints to position tasks on the Gantt chart
Forecast costs and spending (Cash flow)
Allow the plan to be modified to account for actual progress
Monitor and report on progress including spend and workload
Project Environment Overview
The Microsoft Project 2016 family of products consists of Microsoft Project Standard 2016, Microsoft Project Professional 2016, Microsoft Project Server 2016 and Project Online
The content of this course refers to features available in the two desktop versions (Standard and Professional). Most of the end user features are available in both versions, the main difference being that the Professional version is required if you want to connect to Project Server or sync tasks with SharePoint.
- File > New > Select a template or from one of the suggested searches or Select > New from an existing project.
Microsoft Project 2016 has numerous features not available in versions prior to Project 2010 which are explored during this course:
Customisable fluent user interface (the new ribbon) and Quick Access Toolbar
Backstage view
Timeline view
Team Planner (Professional version only)
Manual v Auto scheduling
Task Inspector
Active/inactive tasks
Top down summary tasks
The default Project view is the Gantt Chart view which consists of a table of data on the left hand side of the screen and a Gantt bar chart on the right. The Divider Bar separates the two and can be repositioned to display more of the table or more of the chart. The Gantt table consists of rows and columns. Just like on a spreadsheet, the intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. The Gantt bar chart graphically displays your schedule.
The Quick Access Toolbar:
The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is a customizable toolbar that can display either above or below the Ribbon. Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar
(on the right of the QAT) to change how it is displayed:
Tip: to add commands (buttons) to the Quick Access Toolbar, right click any existing command and from the shortcut menu choose Add to Quick Access Toolbar:
The Ribbon (with the Project tab displayed):
Note: The Format tab is context specific – the commands on it changes depending on the view/area of the screen that is selected.
When the Ribbon is collapsed, you see only the tabs. To use the Ribbon while it is collapsed, click the tab you want to use, and then click the option or command you want to use.
Tip: To quickly collapse the Ribbon, double-click the name of the active tab. Double-click a tab again to restore the Ribbon. The Keyboard shortcut to collapse or view the Ribbon is CTRL+F1. You can also select Pin the Ribbon on the bottom right of the Ribbon.
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