inserting flv media

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Inserting .flv media

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version CS4

Eddie has attended:
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Inserting .flv media

Hope you can help, cos this is probably really simple.
I have created a new blank html page, Drawn a AP Div, and inserted the water.flv video from you whitehouse site.
Everything look fine in live view and when in preview in browser.
But ie shows a blank page with error swf object is undefined?

Please help
thanks Eddie

RE: inserting .flv media

Hi Eddie,

Thanks for your question.

When viewing the page in Firefox, I get a message: "Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player."

However, I already have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player, so there is definitely something wrong.

Having a look at the code view of the page, there are references to a .swf file:
and also a 'stream' (in the 'FlashVars' parameter):

When going to these URLs, neither exists.

The file reference is 'water', should it be 'water.flv'? When going to , firefox finds the file. So it seems you just need to put .flv on the end of your filename reference.

Check your code view once you've reuploaded the file to make sure there are no 'water' references (ie. ensure they're all 'water.flv')

I'm not sure why "FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" is referenced in your flash object though.

I hope this helps.

If this answer resolves your query, please mark the question as 'resolved' (see below). Otherwise, please post a follow-up response to this post, and I will assist you further.

Regards, Rich

RE: inserting .flv media

Hi Rich,
Thanks for helping.
I have made the changes you suggest ( change water to water.flv) and I still get the same issues.
I dont understand why I am getting the other references to ( as i am starting with a totally new blank page, and all i am doing is drawing a ap div and then choosig Insert - Media - FLV...
choosing the options "progresive media"
using the browse box to select the file\atex\images\water.flv
width and height is detected automatically
auto play and auto rewind is on.

Since your email I have uninstalled adobe flash, restarted machine and re-installed the latest version from adobe.

The page works in liveview so im guessing I must have the right flash/codecs.

do you think it worth uninstalling and reinstalling CS4?

If you have no other ideas is there any chance you can put water.flv into a apdiv on a blank page, and send me the working code as a reference.


RE: inserting .flv media


Okay, I think I've figured out what's happening.

Dreamweaver creates and requires a few extra files when playing a .flv file on a web page. Check the folder of your web page (ie. root) or the /images/atex folder. You should see two files and a 'Scripts' folder containing another file.

1) FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf
2) Clear_Skin_1.swf (or similar 'skin' type .swf file, depending on what you chose in the dialogue box)
3) Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js

These files/folders are created when you insert the .flv movie into your page. You need to upload these files to your web server, as well as the water.flv movie itself, and the water.html page.

The files need to be uploaded in the same directory structure as your local drive, because your water.html file will reference them that way. (ie. you can't just upload the files anywhere).

You should be able to locate the files mentioned above using Dreamweaver File panel, and upload them all using 'PUT' button (if you use Dreamweaver FTP).

The reason why it's working in 'preview' mode (or liveview) is because those extra 3 files are on your local machine, but probably not yet on the remote server.

Let me know how you get on.

Regards, Rich


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