ms-project-training - default filters and master

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ms-project-training - Default filters and master file anomolies | MS-Project forum

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Hannah has attended:
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Default filters and master file anomolies

Firstly, thank you so much for your suggestions! I made a new resource pool, by exporting to word, then importing back, broke and remade all the links and the bizzare memory for old or deleted files has gone!

I am still having trouble sorting data in my master file, due to the extra line which comes up duplicating the project name (the first line of my data). As this occured in our intemediate training i do not deem it a flaw of my system, but is there a way to get around this? the best way for me to sort my data is by deadline, but the dealine is not copied into the afore mentioned line of text thus nothing to sort!

I can expand so that both my typed taxt and the duplicated line appears, but in the project sorting sence this comes up one row at a time saying:

NA (Duplicated Line)
07/01/2008 (Typed line)
NA (Duplicated Line)
21/12/2007 (Typed line)
NA (Duplicated Line)
and so on, thus making a sort impossible.

I did insert a text field and numbers manually to denote which was supposed to finish first etc, by date to show my priorities (the priorites field, as you mentioned, does not work!), but this was quite time consuming with 30 projects on the go and will change every time i update (designers are like that!) and i cannot save this so am not sure how to overcome this. Any ideas?

Also... Is there a way i can default my filters to be present each time i open a new project file, like i can with views etc...?

I have just made a new filter, yet when i open my resource pool, and the file entitled 'projust 1' that has my projects in them this filter is not present even though i created it in my resource pool file

possibly should have split that into two queries!! sorry!

RE: default filters and master file anomolies

Hi Hannah,

Thank you for your question. I'm glad that we have managed to solve some of the issues.

As to "sorting" the master file.I'm not sure if you mean filtering or grouping. I suspect you mean the former in terms of the difficulties you mention, but I suspect you would be better off with the later. For instance you could list all your tasks in order of deadline by creating a custom group on the deadline field.This works well with the master file and drops project name lines.

As for your "default filter problem". Do you mean having a filter you create available when you open a project. To do this you must open the file in which you created the original filter and then use the organiser to copy it into the global.mpt template. You simply select the filters tab on the organiser.

Hope this helps

Have a good weekend


RE: default filters and master file anomolies

No, i do literally mean 'sort'... when you right click on the the header there is an option to sort, i wasnt it sorted by date, I am not filtering anything, merely want it in a specific order, and i cannot manually move them up or down as it says i am adding on project into another!

The master file thing now makes sence, i looked there but must have missed the tab for filters!

RE: default filters and master file anomolies

Hi Hannah,

Sorry I think I now finally understand the problem.

If you want to sort tasks in the Gannt chart it is best to create a view that filters out the summary tasks. To do this create a new custom filter with the following syntax

Field name = Summary
Test = equals
Value = No

You can then sort the tasks without any problems. If you do this however I suggest you insert a column containing the project field as this will help you identify which project the tasks are from




MS Project tip:

Avoid Accidental Constraints

The initial default table is the Entry table. Enter a task name and duration, but do not enter start or finish dates. Form the plan using links, predecessors. Typing dates introduces constraints. To remove these constraints, double click on a task, and on the Advanced page of Task Information set the constraint back to As Soon As Possible (all other options are there too.)

View all MS Project hints and tips

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