getting data online

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Getting data from online

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 365

Getting data from online


In the intermediate training, Jens mentioned that you can update data obtained from a live website. The website posts a file (excel) of their members, would it be possible to link this to a table in excel?



RE: Getting data from online

Hi Zachary,

Thankyou for your question to the forum.

In order to link your web data to an Excel table so that it always updates, you will need to use Power Query inside Excel itself. Here is a link to a Youtube video that takes you through the steps:

The steps in making the connection from Excel may look different in the video to what you see in your version of Excel. If so, go to DATA > GET DATA > FROM OTHER SOURCES > FROM WEB. Then enter the pasted URL and in the next box select 'Anonymous' in the left hand list and then click OK. Follow the rest of the video as normal

Hope this helps

Kind regards
(IT Trainer)


Excel tip:

Move data worksheet to worksheet

To move data from one worksheet to another, highlight the data.

Select and hold down the ALT key and position the mouse on the border of the selection until the mouse pointer displays four-headed arrows.

Drag the selection down to the destination worksheet tab.

When the arrow touches the tab, Excel switches to the desired worksheet. Now drag the selection to the correct position. Let go of the mouse and then the ALT key.

To copy data from one worksheet to another, select and hold down the CTRL+ALT keystroke combination and perform the steps above.

View all Excel hints and tips

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