training session

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Training session

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 365

Rita has attended:
Excel Intermediate course

Training session

Is it possible to get the materials

RE: Training session

Hi Rita,

Thank you for your post. You will have received a confirmation email from STL when you completed your feedback yesterday, which contains a link to download the course manual.

If you also need the Excel file you were working on in Bloomsbury, it might still be on the PC you were working on. Please let us know, then we have a look to see if it is still there.

Kind regards
Marius Barnard

Thu 21 Dec 2023: Automatically marked as resolved.


Excel tip:

Creating a range of monthly payments as text

You could use a formula to create a range of payment ie. payment amount for x% to y% rate with fixed terms and principle.

The text that would be "between Xamount and Yamount".

Here is how to do it.

1 Use the PMT function to get your monthly payments figure or whatever frequency of payments that you choose he start range.

See PMT under Excel Help

2. Nest these in the ROUND function to round decimals see ROUND under Excel Help

3. Concatenate this using "&" and concatenate " to " and concatenate "Between ".

4. Concatenate the above to PMT function for the end range


="Between "&ROUND((PMT1),decimal places)&" and "&ROUND((PMT2),decimal places)

View all Excel hints and tips

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