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resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2013

Bassam has attended:
Project Intermediate course


On the timeline, how can I force Project to start counting Quarters from the start date of the project? Selecting a tier label "from start" does not achieve this.

RE: Timeline

Hi Bassam

It's lovely to hear from you already :)

When adjusting the Timescale (right click on the Timescale and select Timescale or double click on the Timescale)

When changing the label to Quarters, make sure the fiscal year isn't selected on the right hand side. This should reset the Quarters to start from the project's start date.

Hope this helps

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Project Trainer

RE: Timeline

Hi Wendy

Thank you for the prompt response. I have tried what you suggested but it does not do quite what I want. The project start date is 1 June, but Project insists on starting Q1 2 months earlier on 1 April. I would like it to start Q1 from 1 June, so the timeline is showing actual project quarters.

Thanks for your help.

RE: Timeline

Hi Bassam

MS Project doesn't allow you to create custom quarters. It bases it on the annual quarters but you can create a workaround

If you change the fiscal year (File > Options > Schedule > Fiscal Year Starts) to the month that your project starts and then select the "Use fiscal year" option in the timescale options and that should start Qtr 1 from the month of the project.

I hope this helps

Kind regards
Wendy Canelas
Microsoft Office Trainer

RE: Timeline

Works! Brilliant. Thank you Wendy.


MS Project tip:

Enter a Date

You can enter today's date (or tomorrow's date) in a date field, by simply typing in the word 'today'or 'tomorrow' and Project will insert the date for you.

View all MS Project hints and tips

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